Saturday, February 18, 2012

Writing Assignment: "In Slumber And In Company"

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 Yes, in case you didn't know, otters hold hands when they sleep so they don't drift away from one another. I've recently become obsessed again with this beyond adorable act and cannot help but squeal every time I see a picture or video of these little caring creatures. 
If you click on the video below, you can experience this cuteness in motion.
So for this writing assignment based upon my group's writing exercise, I figured it'd be an interesting thing to attempt to write about this amazing bond from the view of the otters' little cute hands as they grasp for one another.  
How @$#%'ing CUTE, right?

Please keep in mind that this is written through the perspective of the otter's hands, or well, I suppose just hand.

 "In Slumber and In Company"
By Jessica (cough cough...I'm not posting my last name here)

I reach these sleepy, small fingers out, but,
 dear friend, 
Where have you gone? 

Our lonely otter fingers are no longer entwined
And I fear that you have drifted away
But do not sigh or fret or sadden,
for we will drift back together very soon

I promise
I will find you 

And when I do, 
our hands shall be together again
Our bond whole
Our fingers laced in warmth and care

Alas, dear friend! 
There you are! All the way over there!
And yet you still slumber

I reach these fingers out to grasp yours
And we join,
in slumber and in company,
once again. 
Image Source



Dan Monteleone said...

There are no words for how cute this is.....say it with me now...


xNina Writes said...

Dan Monteleone,
I know, right?? I just find the concept of these animals not wanting their own to float away while sleeping very endearing. It means they care haha.


Ima B. Leever said...

OMG!!! So cute!!! And cute poem too. Where did you find it?

“Cats are magical. . .the more you pet them the longer you both live.”

xNina Writes said...


Haha I know right? And thanks about the poem, but I actually wrote it. It was an assignment we had to do for class and I ran with it.
