Saturday, February 18, 2012

Little Monsters Going Against Mama Monster's Preachings?

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 I always feel like posts like these have to be created soon after the event otherwise they're not as relevant.
Basically everyone knows who Lady Gaga is. I realize that that statement may seem like a generalization, but I severely doubt it is. Along with her music, Gaga is also very well known for the causes she promotes and her the preachings she gives, whether it be for everyone to be proud of their sexualities, for people to follow their dreams, or even for people to stop bullying.
(Like that subtle transition to the real topic of this post?)
It seems, though, that a number of her fans and stans have forgotten her stance on bullying when it came to Kelly Osbourne's (I'm sure most people are familiar with her, as well) tame opinion on Gaga skipping the Red Carpet during this year's Grammys.
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Here is what Osbourne said about Gaga's lack of appearance on the Red Carpet:
"Being part of the music industry is walking the red carpet. You say hello to your fans and you give back to those reporters and those people who supported you. And when you go to an awards show and you don’t walk the red carpet, I find that disrespectful."
In response to the many hateful comments thrown at her on her Twitter page, she tweeted this:
“I have been told to die, suck d–k, get raped & that i look like i have aids by @ladygaga fans no wonder they get called bullies.”
Something else to point out is that Osbourne actually took the time to respond to many of these cyber bullies, which is rather impressive. But anyway, it's interesting how fans and stans of Lady Gaga resort to the exact behavior that Gaga condemns. It kind of makes you wonder why exactly they like Gaga in the first place if they don't seem to respect or even listen to what she preaches.
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First, I'll give my opinion on Gaga's actions. I actually agree with Osbourne here, to be honest. The Red Carpet is the only time during such events where fans get to line themselves along the Carpet and take photos, get photos with, and get autographs of their favorite celebrities, music artists, whatever. I read one person's comment in defense of Gaga's actions saying that she didn't do anything this year because she couldn't top last year's stunt with arriving in an egg. 
Sorry, that's not a good defense. Unless there is some legit excuse that is released explaining why Gaga didn't make it to the Red Carpet, it's just a selfish act. What if she had won an award? Would her fans really believe her when she thanked them for helping her get that award, but she didn't even bother with walking the carpet? With her tremendous and obviously dedicated fanbase, I think the least she could do is walk the Red Carpet. 
And heck, doesn't she like the attention, anyway?

Secondly, now my opinion on Gaga's hypocritical fans/stans. As stated in the background info section, Gaga is completely against bullying and claims it's because she was once bullied for being odd. I do not necessarily believe her or know this to be true or false, but the notion is still admirable. Bullying is wrong and the victims of bullying suffer. Although Kelly Osbourne is obviously an adult, the cyber bullying by a number of Gaga's stans was absolutely ridiculous and unnecessary, but I really feel like Osbourne held her ground respectfully and responsibly. Osbourne has said in the past and present that she is a fan of Gaga, too, sooo......
Stans frighten me.
Lady Gaga's performance at the 2012 Grammys
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  • What do you think of Gaga's fans, who love her SO much, using bullying to get their emotions across to Osbourne?
  • Do you think Osbourne's comment was tame and not ill-willed?
  • What do you think of the way Osbourne handled the cyber bullying? Did she do it perfectly or should she have done something else?


Dan Monteleone said...

Hey Jessica,
So it seems you are quite busy typing up all these interesting reads, all I can say is keep up the good work! As far as this buisness between the Gaga fans and Kelly Osbourne, wow, kinda hypocritical on their part.
I'm not a Gaga fan, not by any stretch, but I can respect her. Her fans on the other hand, don't seem to have any respect for her, at least not from the malicious things I read on Kelly's twitter feed. If Gaga was their idol or hero or what have you, they'd be more inclined to heed her words or follow her example.
Instead we find them full of hate and venom for someone who made a valid point. As a fan of Kelly's work (as well as her father's!) I am going to agree with every word she said. She handled herself like an adult with the utmost professionalism. Her comment hit the nail on the head and I support it. Just because you can't be center stage and steal the show so to speak, you should still show your fans you'll come out and be there.
Kelly took the bullying in stride and I think even responding to some of these folks was going above and beyond the call of duty. She could have just turned and left it alone, instead she showed admirable and respectable poise.

Sometimes hardcore fans of anything just annoy me....just this sense of entitlement about them...but I could rant forever on that.

xNina Writes said...

Dan Monteleone,

I appreciate you saying that my posts are interesting haha.

And I respect Gaga, as well, even though she's a tad too attention seeking for me now, but her fanbase can be frightening sometimes. And yeah, I agree that Osbourne handled herself like an adult. It's odd, though, that Gaga never responded to her in any way. That would have been a stand-up thing for her to do.
