Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Duggar Family: Is It Right To Air Miscarriage News Appointment During Show's Premiere?

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Meet another odd couple that believes their children should grow up in the spotlight and under the camera, much like the Kardashians. The funny thing with this family is that they're extremely religious, so you'd assume they'd have higher morals than the Kardashians when it comes to the exploitation of children for the sake of a TV show. 
If you guys do not know, this is the Duggar family and they star on the show "19 And Counting". Clearly, as you can assume from the title, they are not planning on stopping at 19 children. And get this: they do not believe in birth control (who woulda thunk?) and generally, the older children raise the younger children. 
But for a family that is supposedly extremely religious and supposedly values each child's life severely, many believe it was wrong of them to release photos of Michelle Duggar's 20th child's miscarriage to the public. You would think that such a private and devastating matter would be kept between the family, not strewn along everywhere online. And now they're going to play the tape of Michelle finding out her child was dead.
Note that the image below may cause your stomach to cringe, so if you do not wish to see the miniscule hand of a child lost due to miscarriage, then leave this page now or scroll down past the picture.
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The producers for the show have recently released that the appointment during which Michelle Duggar was informed that her unborn child did not have a heartbeat will be a large part of the new 2012 season premiere. But if this family believes that their children's lives are so sacred, why are they choosing to include this devastating scene that truly should not have been filmed in the first place? Sure, maybe they want viewers to get a sense of what could unfortunately happen to them someday, but does this family really value publicity more than privacy?
I posted the picture above because I remember reading people's comments on various websites when they were first released. And to cut it short, many were sickened that they would literally take time to have a photo shoot with their dead child to post them online. 
But was that a kind tribute or was it a sick publicity stunt, as well?
A lot of the time with these reality TV shows, I'm generally giving my opinion based on what I read online, whether it be articles or people's comments, because I honestly  hate reality TV and would never choose to willingly watch it. That being said, I still think my knowledge despite not watching these shows is credible enough to be able to form some sort of response to them.
Anywho, I personally think this couple is disgusting. And the mother is setting herself up for accidentally dying while giving birth because of her age. And even though this large family does not take money from taxpayers, I believe they are still negatively affecting society. And it's wrong to force children into a reality TV show situation through birth because obviously as infants, they've no choice but to grow up under your roof.
I'm waiting for the day that one of the children crack and we get a "behind the scenes/tell all" book of what it was really like growing up with these adults who don't seem to care about how many people they're popping into the world. But they claim that it's "God's will" every time that Michelle gets pregnant.
I guess it's also "God's will" that they're going to have the miscarriage appointment aired on television, right? And it was "God's will" that also allowed there to be a camera crew in the routine pregnancy check-up appointment. And it was "God's will" to post pictures online of them solemnly posing with their deceased child. And it is "God's will" that they keep on trying to get pregnant even though it could kill Michelle. But I suppose that wouldn't be as terrible as it may seem because as I said, the older children raise the younger children.
Gotta love the exploitation of children and pregnancy on American television, huh?
(Yes, that was sarcasm.)
  • What do you guys think about the fact that the couple allowed there to be cameras in the doctor's office and now they're allowing the news of the miscarriage to air on TV?
  • Do you think this action will help empower women whom have lost children due to miscarriages?
  • What do you think about the fact that this family keeps on reproducing regardless of the fact that Michelle is at an age where she can actually die during childbirth? 


Ima B. Leever said...

This post hit home for me. How can those parents be so selfish and have that many kids? Its so wrong on so many levels. I liked your post, but I don't like the family.

xNina Writes said...

Sorry if my post upset you. And I agree with how you think, I think it's wrong for them to have so many kids. I think maybe 1 or 2 of the older children married and had their own kids. Thanks for the compliment on my post!

By the way, are you in my class?
