Saturday, February 18, 2012

"Pretty Little Liars" : Having A Lesbian Couple On TV Is "Irresponsible Imagery?"

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"Pretty Little Liars" is currently one of the most popular shows that ABC Family has to offer American audiences. But it is also one of the most controversial.
And it's not so much because the television show doesn't entirely follow the books, it's because there is a lesbian couple on screen. The characters' names are Emily and Maya.
So while doing some research on this show, I found that many protest groups attack ABC Family for allowing there to be "irresponsible imagery" on a family channel. Clearly, ABC Family has yet to back down and succumb to these ignorant protesters. And Emily and Maya's relationship seems to be stronger than ever, which is great. Everyone deserves to be happy, right?

Here's an excerpt from that they claimed:
"Unlike any other show on unrestricted advertiser-supported television networks, the majority of the primary cast on 'Pretty Little Liars' are lesbians. The series has grown from one lesbian lead character to three. The majority of the viewers of 'Pretty Little Liars' lesbian show are children. More than half or 1.3 million of the 2.5 million female viewers are children -- girls between the ages of 12 and 18 according to cable reports on This report does not include girls younger than 12, but certainly they are also watching by the tens of thousands. ABC using salacious and glamorizing scenes portraying young, pretty women as lesbians sends the wrong message to these young girls, a message that reinforces and legitimizes this homosexual lifestyle in a manner that could affect these young girls’ sexual identity for a lifetime."

Although I can write a list of various retorts against this highly disappointing excerpt, I will ask this:
What about the questioning or lesbian young girls, preteens, teenagers, young women, and adult women who may watch this show and continuously struggle to have their own sexual identities be accepted in such a society?
(Also, wouldn't it be more accurate for this family group to attack ABC for using pretty, young women dressed up in heels, short dresses, and makeup that may promote sexualization of young girls?)

A video that captures some of the struggles these characters had to go through.

I also found that some advertisers even pulled their ads from the show right when the character Emily revealed that she was a lesbian. One example is GENERAL MILLS, you know, the cereal brand that makes a variety of cereals for children? So, clearly those at General Mills thinks it wrong for people to be gay. What a wonderful notion to express to children, right?
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I personally don't really follow the show, but I occasionally leave the TV on after watching "The Lying Game" (woah, what's ABC Family really trying to promote here with all these lying-based shows?) and watch some if not all of the following episode of PPL. That being said, I do not entirely know the entire background story behind Emily and Maya, however, when I caught episode 18 of this season that had rather endearing scenes between Emily and Maya, I began to do some research. I was curious to see if people would be angry at this episode and sadly, I was right.

I find these scenes between the two very refreshing, to be honest. Finally, an accurate and kind portrayal of a lesbian relationship on television, not these gay or lesbian characters who only play the "mean person" roles and get killed off or something.

I realize that the General Mills thing was something that happened about a year ago, but it's still the principle of the matter. I really hope one day people can just allow other people to just be happy. I really do think that everyone deserves to find their own happiness in life, so why do others do their best to ruin it for others?
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  •  What do you think of the Florida Family Association attacking ABC Family for having a lesbian couple, but not attacking them for the possible promotion of sexualization of young girls?
  • What are your views on having gay or lesbian characters on TV?
  • When do you think society will finally allow everyone to just be happy and be allowed to publicly express their happiness?


Dan Monteleone said...

Hey Jessica,
So, after reading this entry, I wanted to respond not from the perspective of my orientation, since being a straight guy, I don't really think that applies too much here. Instead I wanted to respond to this from the perspective of someone who belives all people should be happy but has experienced persecution from society because of my disability.
First off, I don't think that there is any problem with having gay/lesbian characters on any show. Featuring them is just another way of showing the coming generations that it is alright to be comfortable in your own skin, with who you are. ABC's claims that it is damaging are way off base, as i said, this is just another vehicle to show young kids (in this case, girls) that it's cool to be who you are. To say it's ruining sexual identites or whatever is terrible. That would be like saying "oh, this character is in a wheelchair?! GET THEM OUT OF HERE!" Ridiculous and pompus if you ask me.
You posed a great question, too. What about the young girls who may struggle to have accepted identites in society. What damage is this "lashing out" by ABC doing to them? Is it showing them that they need to hide? Not cool. That'd be like saying to me that I shouldn't be allowed to pursue a relationship because society thinks they need to pity the disabled.
Also, you made a great point about countering that claim, by talking about the promotion of sexualization of these young girls. I think THAT is damaging, considering their target demographic are mostly kids who are just a little too young (some as young as 12) to feel they need to fit a hyper-sexualized female role. I have a kid sister that age and some of the stuff these kids watch that is viewed as "acceptable" appauls me.
In closing, I'd say, Ideally we as a society SHOULD be able to see past the trivial stuff you know, what you look like, how you talk or walk or in this case, who you chose to pursue relationship wise. However I know that we are a way off from that and it's really unfortunate. People fear and lambast that which they do not understand.We shouls open our hearts and minds to others because after all, we are all people, we should ALL be treated as such. But that's just my opinion. Take it or leave it.

Oh and sorry for the EXTRA LONG COMMENT!

Dan Monteleone said...

Also, people need to get off the backs of the characters and quit killing them off/ cutting them out of the shows. If for no other reason than to allow the character to become well-rounded. Aside from this show, which I've never seen, the only other gay/ lesbian characters to survive was Willow Rosenberg from Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Sucks too because in other shows like The Vampire Diaries, they just go "oh, we can't lets this guy get screen time, TIME TO DIE"

Yes I am a fan of Buffy and least they don't sparkle! ^.^

Dan Monteleone said...

I also, just recognized it wasn't ABC making claims it was the florida family association, my bad for not reading thoroughly enough. Okay, so ABC, you're cool. Florida family Association......YOU suck. There, fix'd

xNina Writes said...

Dan Monteleone,

Sorry, but I know my comment won't be nearly as long as yours haha.

And I can relate, I am not a lesbian, but I do think that everyone deserves a chance to be happy.

Yeah, I feel like the Association should target them for their over-sexualization, but that's often overlooked.

I also think it's wrong that gay/lesbian tv characters tend to have short-lived lives, so I agree.

Haha yeah, it wasn't ABC Family - they're doing good.
