Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Jessica Says: Why I Don't Care For Valentine's Day

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 While realizing that today was Valentine's Day, I wondered if I could do a blog post on it. But then I remembered that there isn't much in the media that I can dissect unless it focused on stupid Hollywood couples drama, but I can at least give my opinion about the day. So I decided to create a new Tag that will solely be about rants on just about anything, not so much my response to something published in the media. That being said...
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I know what you guys are thinking as you're smirking at the title of this blog entry:
"Well someone's obviously single and bitter."
However, you're wrong. I'm certainly not bitter about the fact that I will be spending my Valentine's Day sans a significant other. And I don't hate Valentine's Day or anyone who chooses to obsess about it or celebrate it. I do, however, think that it is both a decent and bad holiday for a couple of reasons, obviously of which I shall explain further. Keep in mind that these are JUST my opinions.
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  1. As you can tell from the picture above, I think it's an endearing holiday when it comes to children expressing their love for their parents, parent, or guardian/s. It's also a good thing to teach children during grade school when they hand out Valentines to their classmates - you know, to care about and respect others...at least until they get older and somehow forget that.
  2. It is a holiday that some couples embrace and happily celebrate, thus making their emotional connection stronger.
  4. More income for basically all businesses that sell some sort of Valentines Day-themed products.
  5. Brings the nation closer for a day.
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And keep in mind I'm speaking based on experience and hear-say, mainly.
  1. Homosexual couples still aren't treated as equals, therefore, not every couple gets the welcoming chance to publicly celebrate the holiday and their love or appreciation for their partner, though it's a national holiday.
  2. People are succumbing to commercialism. In the words of dearest Tyler Durden from the movie Fight Club, "Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don’t need." (There are many more, but I just chose this one. I love this movie.)
  3. Women tend to hold the well-being of their relationship over the heads of their boyfriends based on whether or not he either remembers it's Valentine's Day or if he doesn't buy her something good, he supposedly doesn't care about her. Same can be said with men as the main subject.
  4. I know a number of women who seem to think Valentine's Day is a day for women, for their men to shower them with presents and whatnot - no. Just no. If you both are choosing to celebrate a day that's about a couple celebrating their love for one another, you both should give one another something special, regardless if it's V-day themed or not. Yeesh, even I know that.
  5. I personally don't feel as though a man needs to or can buy my love, so I don't think it's fair that others hold their boyfriends to that same old standard. I would personally be completely fine-this is if I cannot get out of him wanting to celebrate the holiday-with chilling on the couch and watching TV. Maybe I'm odd, though. It's about more than what he can purchase, though if I couldn't convince him to not buy me something, then I would still appreciate the efforts....I'm not that heartless. But I don't think it's the first thing that should be attempted.
  6. Sometimes, Valentine's Day tends to put a strain on a relationship without anyone actually doing something to initiate the failing...enough said.
  7. Some parents don't seem to realize that their child should give those little Valentines cards, gifts, or candies to every student in class. A person missed can end up being a person pissed. Or middle-school-heartbroken.
  8. Causes some to become depressed about the fact that they don't have someone to spend the holiday with. 
  9. Can also bring the nation apart for a day.
Overall, again, I'm not a hater of Valentine's Day, but I also do not love it. I just don't care for it.

Regardless, I hope you all have a lovely Valentine's Day, if you so choose to celebrate it.



Dan Monteleone said...

Hey Jessica,
Cool and different blog entry today! Although I am a person who enjoys the holiday, I can certainly appreciate where you're coming from. I enjoy the principle behind the day, you know, celebrating love, being close to those you love. That said, I know the comsumerism is really the focus of the day for many. It's a shame too, because that's not what it's about.
I found it really cool that you acknowledged that it isn't just a day for men to shower their ladies with gifts, but that it should go both ways. I think you're right, it can put undue strain on a relationship, depending on how much emphasis is placed on it.
Also, I think it shouldn't be but one day a year we show those we love how much we love them, but instead show them every day. Yeah, Valentine's Day is cool, but let us not forget the other 364 days in the year.

xNina Writes said...

Dan Monteleone,
Thank you! And thank you for appreciating my perspective instead of telling me I'm wrong. And I agree, I also think it's a shame that consumerism is the focus.
And yes, I think it's really lame how most women think it's a day just for them when it's really not. I actually had a conversation with someone a few days ago and she said that she didn't feel like she had to get her boyfriend anything and if she did, she had no idea what he'd want. I just think it's weird.
And I like your third paragraph! I guess sometimes V-day serves as a reminder for some couples, but it's sometimes a shame that it comes to that.


Dan Monteleone said...

Well I'm from the school of thought that no one's thoughts should be overlooked as 'wrong' that's just stupid. Instead we should all try to understand one another better, I think it would change alot for the condition of our world. Yeah, I might be an idealist in that respect.
I'm amazed at that conversation you had as well! Seems like peole need to learn It's not what you get for your partner, but how much feeling goes behind the gift! But again, I guess that's the consumer culture talking. We always have to buy things to vindicate ourselves, don't ask me why.
Anyway, V-day is over, so things will go back to normal and all those couples who obsess will go right back to their regularly scheduled programming. I look forward to the next entry!

xNina Writes said...

Dan Monteleone,
I think that is a good train of thought and I do my best to make sure I follow through to with keeping true to it.
Yes, it was a very interesting conversation. I agree completely with your statement, it's the emotion behind the present, if there is a need for a present.
And thank you! I enjoy your comments and appreciate the time you take out of your schedule to read my rants and leave a comment!


Ima B. Leever said...

Very different post than anything else you've put up so far. However, I found this post to be quite humorous. When I read about school aged children making valentines, it made me smile. I remember exchanging valentines, making sure I put a little extra effort in the one I would give my childhood crush lol.
But now that I'm older, I agree with you that valentines day is completely commercialized and overdone. Why should people base their love and relationship on a single day? However... I do love the candy!

"There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness."

Dr. Amanda Morris said...

I'm really enjoying your structured and thoughtful posts!

xNina Writes said...

Dr. Morris,
Thank you kindly! I'm happy to read that!

xNina Writes said...

Dr. Morris,
Thank you kindly! I'm happy to read that!

xNina Writes said...


Haha it was meant to be humorous, so I'm glad it came off that way. And I remember doing Valentine's Day cards for my peers years ago. And I agree, it's lame how commercialized the day is - and things just keep on getting more expensive, too. Heck, a greetings card costs almost six dollars now. But don't get me started on those...haha.
