Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Can People Please Cool It With The Butterbeer Puns?

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I'm almost certain I do not have to say the name of the celebrity above, but I will anyway just in case you haven't been exposed to anything in the media for the past 10 years: this is Daniel Radcliffe, most commonly known for his acting role as Harry Potter in the long-lived Harry Potter movie franchise. Last year, Radcliffe told the public of his struggle with alcoholism, but he actually recently revealed that he would often go to the HP set still drunk from the night before, being that he drank nightly and heavily. 
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Although I am seeing more positive and supportive comments than insulting ones on internet articles about Radcliffe's words, some seem to think that joking about alcoholism is beyond entertaining and amusing. But the reality of the situation is that he once had a problem that he obviously kept to himself for a very long time. I think people should commend him for being brave enough to be so straightforward to the public, not put him down. He has also been sober ever since August 2010, so that says a lot, too.
In a British celebrity news magazine, Heat, Radcliffe says,  
"I have a very addictive personality. It was a problem. People with problems like that are very adept at hiding it. It was bad. I don't want to go into details, but I drank a lot and it was daily - I mean nightly." Quote Source
He also told the public that he has always been quite fearful of not living up to people's expectations - which is understandable considering his profession and the weight of his role. Even though he struggled for a long time, he says his girlfriend's never-ending support helped him through these darker times
So why are people turning this into a joke?
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I'm neither a fan nor hater of Daniel Radcliffe's acting, but I do respect him as a person for many reasons, and not just because he played Harry Potter for the past 10 years (I actually didn't even like the movie series). Though I do not know him personally, he seems to hold true to his convictions, adamantly promotes and funds causes like Gay Rights, and is doing his best to venture away from the label "typecast" in an appropriate and admirable way. I do not believe I have ever read something so straightforward and open by a celebrity ever, especially on such a topic.

I just truly think it is pathetic that people are throwing around Harry Potter-related puns about Radcliffe's alcoholism. A lot of people are also jokingly wondering which scenes he was drunk in, though I could care less. Also, I can't help but to feel that writers are spinning the mood of the story by making their titles sound as though he drank on set or immediately before he got on set (Harry Potter was drunk during scenes of the movie~ Yeah, that doesn't make it sound like he was actually just still drunk from the night before). 

Radcliffe did not have to inform anyone of his alcoholism in the first place and yet, people are painting him to be less of a human being for his admirable actions. I think it's awesome that he was very open about it because it also helped show that he is more than just some rich Hollywood actor, he's really just like a lot of us "normal" people. This humanized him even more to me.
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  • Do you think that because this actor is the one who played Harry Potter, that his struggle with alcoholism makes it amusing? 
  • What do you personally think of those who struggle with alcoholism?
  • Why do you think Americans find it amusing to make HP-related jokes about Radcliffe's honesty?


Alex Wood said...

Alcoholism is really serious, and it's not nice to make fun of him for his struggles.

Dan Monteleone said...

Hey Jessica,
I'm just gunna dive right in and answer those questions you posed to us. Frankly, I don't care if Harry Potter is "uncool" to some people, it doesn't give anyone the right to dehumanize and humiliate Radcliffe.
Granted I am not a Potter fan, I never bothered with it despite it's HUGE following, that said, I admired the whole cast for their devotion to the series.
Alcoholism is no joke, I know, I have had family members struggle with it. It can be a crippling problem if it's not handled properly. I don't look down on Radcliffe for coming out and telling all about this, in fact I know it takes guts. Bravo for him!

Another well written article!

xNina Writes said...

Alex Wood,
I agree, I think it's pathetic that people are making fun of him for something he didn't even have to share to the public.

Dan Monteleone,
I'm not even entirely sure if it's people who don't like the movies who are saying this, but I'm sure there is a number of them. And I have the same mentality: bravo for him! And thank you kindly!


Ima B. Leever said...

He's an actor, and like most actors, people (as in the normal day-to-day folk)get obsessed over celebrity gossip. To me, its unfair for some of the general public to criticize him. Celebrities have to constantly live their life under a microscope while society acts as surveillance.
He's human, he makes mistakes, and he admitted those mistakes. That takes courage and (excuse my language)balls.

"And why worry about a speck in your friend's eye when you have a log in your own?"

xNina Writes said...


Although I don't attempt to make his profession sound greater than others, I do agree that he has to deal with the nations' opinions rather than just a single person's opinion. Although I disagree with you in the possible assumption he's been stuck where he is, he has been given chances to quit - same as the others. I do agree with you with the fact that it took courage to say what he did to the public.

Where do you obtain your quotes from, by the way?


Ima B. Leever said...

I get my quotes from different places. From things I have read, people who have said them, or I simply make them up. Unfortunately, I'm not cleaver enough to come up with all of them.

"Time is what prevents everything from happening at once."

xNina Writes said...


Very interesting! Thanks for your comment.


Anonymous said...

Question #1: I can see why people (please stop stereotyping Americans, people from around the world are all capable of the same thing) would see this as amusing. Harry Potter is a good, morally upright character, which makes it ironic that the actor that played him would delve into alcohol in the first place (I also doubt he was forced into it).

Question #2: Personally, alcoholics are people with another problem. My feelings are reserved until I know how they're handling it.

Question #3: People (again, please stop the stereotyping, it's unbecoming of you) find humor in everything. In fact, humor is not black and white. Just because you do not agree or like someone's joke does not make it wrong across the board.

xNina Writes said...


Once again, you fail to realize that this is a blog - which is a collaboration of personal opinions. I am not stereotyping all Americans, so I don't entirely know where that came from. I spoke of both people: the ones who make fun of his alcoholism and the ones who defend him. The mere fact that you said that because he was Harry Potter and yet he had a contrasting personal addiction says a lot, as well.

Thank you for your comment, though I don't think you comprehend the purpose of this blog.
