Friday, May 11, 2012

A Picture Blog Post: No White Flags

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I'm sure it's easily realized now by this sentence that these kinds of posts will be mainly pictures, but with captions below to weave in between the story, emotion, or whatever that I am trying to portray. It will also be interesting because each picture story will be ended on a note that is really for people's own reasoning, however, each post has its own overall general moral. What you choose to do with my story is your choice. Also remember that this is a blog, a writer's tool for freedom of speech and expression.

This one is about the concept of not giving up what you believe in, what you deserve, and who you are.
Obviously, this one is going to be "Pirates of the Caribbean"-themed because I feel a number of the stills pertain to the point I'm trying to make. Also, it's Jack Sparrow, who has an amazing array of emotion in his many facial expressions. So duh.
(I feel the need to note that no, by choice of actor it's not a "celeb crush" or something...I personally think those are rather silly unless you actually know the person. I met Martina Navratilova once, though. Anywho, I think Depp would be a pretty cool guy to meet in real life, though. Interesting fact: Depp is far more of an interesting person than people tend to play him out to be because of his attractive appearance and acting talent (though his words sometimes gets him into trouble). Definitely take the time to read into his post-having children life compared to his pre-having children life. I recently did a newsletter about the concept of people changing "for the better" when they have children, and it's a pretty interesting concept.)

I think this post will be suiting, especially since it is my final day as a junior (and resident) in university.

Hopefully my senior year will be better. We'll see.

Awesome Suggestion Below:
Beautiful composition called "One Day" by Hans Zimmer from the third "Pirates" movie I suggest you listen to as you read this :
And here we go :
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There are times in life where even when you have finally achieved what you feel is absolute happiness and hope in your life, things can go completely wrong, even without you knowing it.
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And then that happiness you've waited so long for to achieve goes away along with some other things, but you don't understand why.
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And you are given no answers.
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And nowhere you feel is safe to go.
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 And no one to whom you could turn, even if you wanted or needed to turn to them.
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And no need for certain things - those kinds of things.
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But then you may try to get an answer and the situation can end up getting worse.
Awesome drawing
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And you still receive no answers, become even sadder, and even question your convictions.
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Even though you never had to truly question your convictions before.
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And the thought of having accidentally crossed them consumes you, along with everything else, leaving you in a very different state.
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The burden of the world lies upon your weakening shoulders, but you won't let it go.
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And that's okay, time does not, cannot, and will not heal everything for everyone.
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But if you're stubborn and independent like me, it will help to open your hidden heart, cry in front of others, and turn to those others for help.
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 And maybe there will be one you can trust to provide you answers, and he or she will.
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And who knows, maybe they will all surprise you, just as mine did when helping me.
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But it is still about YOU.
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And retrieving your very self again, as well as strengthen it.
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And be willing and wanting to do what needs to be done, regardless of the risks, all for your own well-being.
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And stand for what you believe in, what you deserve, and who you are and know you are.
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But even after that battle you may still lose everything and all you can do now is:
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try to remain strong, and 
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count the days, but note:
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You still fought what you fought for and even though after all of your efforts, you still lost everything in the end, you didn't surrender and won't surrender; but you made a smart move to step aside, regardless if it was forced or chosen. Do you know how many people would just sit back and do nothing? Go you!
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And maybe, just maybe, not all hope is lost, future buried, security shattered, enemies crafted, direction averted, people forbidden, and comfort slaughtered.
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Maybe both you and I can and will tack our bruised ships back to comfortable shores.
I am still waiting for mine.

This blog post is a dedication to all of the people whom know what situation I am referring to in this pretty little Picture Blog Post.

Be strong and feel what you feel,
believe in what you believe,
fight for what's worth fighting for to you,
never question your convictions,
and don't be afraid to be human.
Every human has their rights, these included.
Practice them, embrace them, and share them.

Thank you, people,




MP said...

I really like what you've done here. It's really cool and Sparrow definitely has a number of facial expressions! But I feel badly for whatever you went through. I know how strong your convictions are and I can't even imagine what it felt like to have them crossed and I'm assuming not really cared about in the end. Sorry I wasn't there for you and I hope you end up winning something out of all of this in the end. You're a strong person! Don't forget that!!! And you deserve to be happy!

Also, you're a killer writer. Don't forget that.

xNina Writes said...


Aw, you've decided to stop by my blog! Thank you kindly. And thank you for your sympathy and thank you for the convictions statement. I do hold them very strongly. It's okay that you weren't there for me and I also hope that I end up "winning" something, as well.

And the writer comment, thank you! I really appreciate that.


chelsea said...

You're such a creative person, girl

How long did this post take? Also, idk why you're being all hissy at people who crush on celebs ;) depp is a fine specimen

Good choice of song too!!


xNina Writes said...


Thank you very much. And not very long. Depp thankfully has many facial expressions. And hah, I've just never understood celebrity crushes, especially since most celebrities are fabricated images of a good/well-paid PR team. Depp is attractive, though, of course. I admire him for more than his appearance, though, as something in his life relates to mine.

Thanks for your comment,


xxxx said...

sorry for just getting around to commenting on this but I did see it a while ago. anywho, I love how the kraken represents the overwhelming powers that were against you. suitable and that picture is pretty kickass.

<33 you, and so does your ever-supporting crew too, matey ;)<3
