Thursday, May 24, 2012

Jessica Says: 'Til Next I Write & Next You Read

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I've decided that I've written all that I've needed or wanted to write at this present point in time, as many of my recent blog posts have stated a lot, especially about me as a person, which is something I don't generally do on the internet (even on my personal Facebook account). I suppose everything on here really says something about me, but I don't have the need nor want at the moment to elaborate any more than I already have.

If I choose to delete this blog in time, I just want those who have been regulars on here (regardless if you left a comment on here, on my Facebook, or spoke to me in person) to know that I appreciate all of your efforts for checking out this blog and giving me your opinion in some way. I hope this has been something worth reading.

Till next I write and next you read,
or perhaps this is our bittersweet adieu between writer and reader,
thanks to those who have read my words.
And be true to yourself, as I am to myself.

"The Grand Finale" from "Edward Scissorhands" by Danny Elfman
(one of my most favorite film compositions and composers; 1:55 slays me every time)
More on Danny Elfman and his amazing compositions here.
More on me as a composer of music and literature, artist, and photographer here.
(I need a certain number count per month)

All right, it's a little bit later, but I'm now on a Danny Elfman rush. Here are some of my other favorite compositions of his, obviously generally from Tim Burton films.
"Victor's Piano Solo" from "Corpse Bride"
"Jack's Lament" from "Nightmare Before Christmas"
 Some of Danny Elfman's greatest hits
"I. Pianos" from "Serenada Schizophrana"



chelsea said...

I hope you choose to work on some other sort of writing or something if ur not blogging for a while or anymore...I'm still waiting for that hillcrest manor thing!! (Did you decide if it'll still be a short story or will it be a novel? Have you even worked on it since xmas?) Keep writing girllll. You have my cell


xNina Writes said...


I am not certain about writing anything else. But thank you for your enthusiasm about "Hillcrest Manor." I haven't worked on it since then, though, and no, it will most likely not be a novel. I have drawn concept art, but none are on my JA website. I'm also thinking about changing the main character's name. It bothers me to write it and I certainly cannot have that.

And why yes, I do have your cell. Thanks for your support, chelsea :)


MP said...

oh, miss jessica, you are a mystery. right when you start writing again. keep in touch and I look forward to your ramblings on random things you find on the internet.

Keep writing,

Alex said...

I commented on the education one and checked out other posts as well as your website...needless to say, it's disappointing that you're taking a break from blogging. You're a good writer. Funny, too. And I really like your music samples, photography, and sketches. You're a very talented person, xxj.

I suggest maybe putting links on your twitter to older posts. You may get more visitors like me!


xNina Writes said...


Yes, I remember seeing your name. And thank you for your kind words, I really appreciate it. I also appreciate your visit to my website!

And thank you for the suggestion. I may just do that.

Thank you, Alex.


Anonymous said...

You did something like this when you chose to drop pursuing music and switched majors. Have you chosen to drop pursuing professional writing now?

-you know who this is

xNina Writes said...

Mysterious friend,

You're endearing. And though we've already conversed about this topic elsewhere, I always do my best to respond on the actual blog so others don't think I've depreciated their efforts of typing up a comment. xx


E said...

I feel really badly for you :'(

Twice, miss j, twice. That place is poison to passion, hence why I left. Alliteration! Right? I wouldn't know......

Shoulda gone to Berklee ;) I loved Boston with yo ass. That hotel kicked ass even though you slept at the desk. Where did you upload the pix? :D

I look forward to your FUTURE posts, missy


xNina Writes said...


Yeah, I'm pretty sure that is alliteration. And Berklee was far too expensive, though Boston is/was amazing. Haha good times. I'll P/M you the url for the photographs.

And we shall see, but I appreciate the enthusiasm. I have added an "Updated/Edited" section below the "Must-Read" section. I put some more awesome videos/songs up on the Vamp Diaries Humanity post. They're worth listening to.

(Good to somewhat hear from you, Miss E)


xxxx said...

That state is poison, honey, though I expect nothing less. You're better than that one-pony town institution (I wish you never left here).

If you're not going to write anymore, think about editing past things. Poems or even that short story from middle school (your AWARD WINNING piece). So much promise, missy.

I understand passions for things are like flowers and they can die/wilt, but you're far too talented to let any ounce of yours go to waste.

Love you like a sister, Miss Jessica, you beautiful talented Ukrainian gypsy. And everything that makes you, you.

xxxx ;)

xNina Writes said...


I love you dearly and appreciate your comment. I approved it because I love you...and found some of it hilarious. It was also very endearing.

"Accusations" was on a yellow floppy I'd have to search for any print-outs of that story. It was a decent one and the only one that had a red-head as a main role, not that I've anything against them. But anyway, thank you for your comment. I'll inform you if anything has been crafted or edited, though I haven't written anything since these posts. It's whatever.

Mwah, gorgeous ;)

xNina Writes said...

Note to everyone:

Take caution when typing up your comments. Some were not approved because of content relating too much to my current personal life.

Be careful, as neither I nor this blog is protected at this point in time, I believe.
