Saturday, February 25, 2012

Jessica Says: Why Is American Society So Obsessed With Settling Down?

Traditional American family
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 Contrary to what most probably assume about me, I am not against the idea of settling down with someone, but I think it's annoying how society pushes everyone - men and women alike - to settle down at a certain point in their lives, obviously meaning marriage and children.

Also note that I will not be discussing my thoughts on the sexist issues in this concept. I will also not go into the "nontraditional" families that exist today. Both are a whole 'nother slew of blog posts.

This will only be about how Americans feel the pressure of having to settle down at a certain age just because it used to be like that.
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This blog post was actually inspired to be written based on a conversation I had with one of my professors and how we both think that society's need to have a time limit of unmarried/childless life is stupid. I feel as though this concept tends to get lost in the "unfair expectations" pile amongst things like women needing to wear makeup to look pretty or men needing to excessively work out to gain muscle because it's not looked at as often. It's probably more engraved into our minds as "normal" than unfair, whether we realize it or not. And I think that should change - not because I fear of being judged myself later down the line for being independent, but because I simply know I will be and I don't think others should feel this way, either. Especially for women to have children, you know, because all females are supposed to want to have babies and do so while still young and trying to make successful careers for themselves.

It's like some clock is ticking before any hope for happiness can be found for both men and women.
So what is it about people and settling down?
Crazy Cat Lady Stereotype
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I think people just want to fulfill this engrained comfort because they don't know better. That being married and having children at the "right" time will mean that they have finally done what they are supposed to do in life. That everyone will be happy and you will have met up to people's expectations; however, the other side of the situation is that if you don't do these things by a certain time, then you will have failed at life in the eyes of your peers. That you just can't do commitment, you can't find someone, you don't want to find someone, you're just being rebellious, you don't care enough about your family's expectations, you are incapable of loving and being loved, etc. 

We seem to have happily accepted the mindset of outdated morals, even to this day. Back then, people didn't live very long, so obviously marrying and having children early in life was the norm. But now we can live up to 100-years-old, so why does this archaic mindset remain? You'd think this fact would be factored in and scaled, if need be. People should choose to "settle down" whenever they want to, though no one should feel required to even do that. 

I guess I just don't quite get it. I plan to make sure that I am wholly satisfied with my life before I go choosing to spend it forever with someone else and maybe have children with them. I'm not going to cave in just because society says I should have a band around my finger and a soccer-mom van at a certain age. I'm me and I will be "ready" when I am "ready," if I ever want to be "ready." I just hope others can agree.

I'd understand if you don't, can't, or won't.


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Courtney Stodden: America's New Female Role Model?

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Welcome the newest try-hard to enter the socialite/reality television scene by resorting to selling sex and professing her controversial love of husband Doug Hutchinson to the gullible, drama-craving American public. And by controversial love, I'm alluding to the poking fun at the age difference of 34 years with Courtney supposedly being 17 [hahahaha yeah right. Also, for all the people checking out her supposed 17-year-old body, PERVS] and Doug being 51.

Certainly smells like the controversial story line that Americans would just love to watch on television, right? But you know, nobody is that shallow to be able to sell everything about themselves and possibly craft completely fake persona to become rich and famous.
Yes, that was sarcasm.

Anywho, Courtney Stodden has no future aspirations, enjoys tweeting tweets that reflect her lack of intellect and soul but knowledge of the Thesaurus right-click option in Word, has no problem walking around exposing her body in overly-revealing outfits, and seems to be quite dead behind the eyes that are lined in pounds of black eyeliner and blended into her spray tanned skin.
Well, color me shocked.
Oh, it's funny what the lack of self-value, need for attention, heavy makeup, and breast implants can do for you.
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As you can probably tell above, that photo is a before and after picture [I'm guessing when she actually was 17 on the left and now as she's 32 or something on the right]. Most do not know that prior to becoming a sexed-up socialite and "child"-bride, she was once just a model trying to break into the business. 
Well now, she certainly made an break into the Hollywood business, but is her method actually admirable or worthy of being considered a national role model?

Perhaps the article I read was a joke [read it Here], but the author claimed that Stodden appeared right in time because young female Americans need a new role model to look up to. Though she may seem like a performance artist trying to get rich and famous for being notorious and controversial, the author said that she is perfect because she practices what she preaches. She does not hide her real self for the sake of not being judged or getting backlash. And if she really is the person she claims to be, then this would be true and possibly even a tad respectable. But despite the fact that she says exactly what is on her mind and how she feels [it's dangerous sometimes, seriously], is she really the woman young girls should feel the need to aspire to be?

What on earth is she on?
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I'm sure you can tell in my tone throughout this entire post that I believe this socialite is the furthest thing from what a female role model should be for American girls and young women. One can practice what they preach in a tasteful way without resorting to outlandish and inappropriate means. For example, she has no problem ranting about her sexuality, but she can do so without prancing around in thongs in public and revealing her kinky sex life on Twitter. Not only that, but she's only proving to females that succumbing to selling sex will get you what you want in life. That women should conform to society's messed up standard and expectation of women. And that's wrong.

Yes, if Courtney Stodden is actually a real person and not a persona, then she does hold true to her words. But her words shouldn't be what inspires people to be what they want in life. If all females were to follow this woman's mentality and lack of morals, every woman would have fake breasts, would spray-tan consistently, would wear thongs in public, pose publicly in questionable positions with their husbands, etc. etc. etc. For a woman who claims to be so comfortable in her skin, it's ironic how much she changed about herself since her teen years.

I honestly think she is in her thirties and that she became desperate enough to become famous that she chose to be this empty-eyed sex doll. I think it's because she never made it big as a model. Seems she eventually found her way to have her name known. But females shouldn't feel that they need to resort to selling sex and becoming a false image just to get somewhere in life or have their name be known. There is a tremendous difference between being famous because of being reputable and being notorious.

If she really is the person she claims to be and is legitimately happy in her life and is not faking a marriage just to have her own reality TV show, then fine, whatever. But to suggest her being this role model is ridiculous and I would hope - for the sake of humanity - that others agree with me, too.

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  • I tend to read a lot of posts on a gossip site called ONTD so I tend to read a bit about these types of people. My question, though, is have you heard of Courtney Stodden?
  • What do you think about this person or persona being a role model for young American girls and women?
  • Do you really think this woman is 17-years-old?

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Little Monsters Going Against Mama Monster's Preachings?

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 I always feel like posts like these have to be created soon after the event otherwise they're not as relevant.
Basically everyone knows who Lady Gaga is. I realize that that statement may seem like a generalization, but I severely doubt it is. Along with her music, Gaga is also very well known for the causes she promotes and her the preachings she gives, whether it be for everyone to be proud of their sexualities, for people to follow their dreams, or even for people to stop bullying.
(Like that subtle transition to the real topic of this post?)
It seems, though, that a number of her fans and stans have forgotten her stance on bullying when it came to Kelly Osbourne's (I'm sure most people are familiar with her, as well) tame opinion on Gaga skipping the Red Carpet during this year's Grammys.
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Here is what Osbourne said about Gaga's lack of appearance on the Red Carpet:
"Being part of the music industry is walking the red carpet. You say hello to your fans and you give back to those reporters and those people who supported you. And when you go to an awards show and you don’t walk the red carpet, I find that disrespectful."
In response to the many hateful comments thrown at her on her Twitter page, she tweeted this:
“I have been told to die, suck d–k, get raped & that i look like i have aids by @ladygaga fans no wonder they get called bullies.”
Something else to point out is that Osbourne actually took the time to respond to many of these cyber bullies, which is rather impressive. But anyway, it's interesting how fans and stans of Lady Gaga resort to the exact behavior that Gaga condemns. It kind of makes you wonder why exactly they like Gaga in the first place if they don't seem to respect or even listen to what she preaches.
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First, I'll give my opinion on Gaga's actions. I actually agree with Osbourne here, to be honest. The Red Carpet is the only time during such events where fans get to line themselves along the Carpet and take photos, get photos with, and get autographs of their favorite celebrities, music artists, whatever. I read one person's comment in defense of Gaga's actions saying that she didn't do anything this year because she couldn't top last year's stunt with arriving in an egg. 
Sorry, that's not a good defense. Unless there is some legit excuse that is released explaining why Gaga didn't make it to the Red Carpet, it's just a selfish act. What if she had won an award? Would her fans really believe her when she thanked them for helping her get that award, but she didn't even bother with walking the carpet? With her tremendous and obviously dedicated fanbase, I think the least she could do is walk the Red Carpet. 
And heck, doesn't she like the attention, anyway?

Secondly, now my opinion on Gaga's hypocritical fans/stans. As stated in the background info section, Gaga is completely against bullying and claims it's because she was once bullied for being odd. I do not necessarily believe her or know this to be true or false, but the notion is still admirable. Bullying is wrong and the victims of bullying suffer. Although Kelly Osbourne is obviously an adult, the cyber bullying by a number of Gaga's stans was absolutely ridiculous and unnecessary, but I really feel like Osbourne held her ground respectfully and responsibly. Osbourne has said in the past and present that she is a fan of Gaga, too, sooo......
Stans frighten me.
Lady Gaga's performance at the 2012 Grammys
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  • What do you think of Gaga's fans, who love her SO much, using bullying to get their emotions across to Osbourne?
  • Do you think Osbourne's comment was tame and not ill-willed?
  • What do you think of the way Osbourne handled the cyber bullying? Did she do it perfectly or should she have done something else?

Writing Assignment: "In Slumber And In Company"

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 Yes, in case you didn't know, otters hold hands when they sleep so they don't drift away from one another. I've recently become obsessed again with this beyond adorable act and cannot help but squeal every time I see a picture or video of these little caring creatures. 
If you click on the video below, you can experience this cuteness in motion.
So for this writing assignment based upon my group's writing exercise, I figured it'd be an interesting thing to attempt to write about this amazing bond from the view of the otters' little cute hands as they grasp for one another.  
How @$#%'ing CUTE, right?

Please keep in mind that this is written through the perspective of the otter's hands, or well, I suppose just hand.

 "In Slumber and In Company"
By Jessica (cough cough...I'm not posting my last name here)

I reach these sleepy, small fingers out, but,
 dear friend, 
Where have you gone? 

Our lonely otter fingers are no longer entwined
And I fear that you have drifted away
But do not sigh or fret or sadden,
for we will drift back together very soon

I promise
I will find you 

And when I do, 
our hands shall be together again
Our bond whole
Our fingers laced in warmth and care

Alas, dear friend! 
There you are! All the way over there!
And yet you still slumber

I reach these fingers out to grasp yours
And we join,
in slumber and in company,
once again. 
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"Pretty Little Liars" : Having A Lesbian Couple On TV Is "Irresponsible Imagery?"

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"Pretty Little Liars" is currently one of the most popular shows that ABC Family has to offer American audiences. But it is also one of the most controversial.
And it's not so much because the television show doesn't entirely follow the books, it's because there is a lesbian couple on screen. The characters' names are Emily and Maya.
So while doing some research on this show, I found that many protest groups attack ABC Family for allowing there to be "irresponsible imagery" on a family channel. Clearly, ABC Family has yet to back down and succumb to these ignorant protesters. And Emily and Maya's relationship seems to be stronger than ever, which is great. Everyone deserves to be happy, right?

Here's an excerpt from that they claimed:
"Unlike any other show on unrestricted advertiser-supported television networks, the majority of the primary cast on 'Pretty Little Liars' are lesbians. The series has grown from one lesbian lead character to three. The majority of the viewers of 'Pretty Little Liars' lesbian show are children. More than half or 1.3 million of the 2.5 million female viewers are children -- girls between the ages of 12 and 18 according to cable reports on This report does not include girls younger than 12, but certainly they are also watching by the tens of thousands. ABC using salacious and glamorizing scenes portraying young, pretty women as lesbians sends the wrong message to these young girls, a message that reinforces and legitimizes this homosexual lifestyle in a manner that could affect these young girls’ sexual identity for a lifetime."

Although I can write a list of various retorts against this highly disappointing excerpt, I will ask this:
What about the questioning or lesbian young girls, preteens, teenagers, young women, and adult women who may watch this show and continuously struggle to have their own sexual identities be accepted in such a society?
(Also, wouldn't it be more accurate for this family group to attack ABC for using pretty, young women dressed up in heels, short dresses, and makeup that may promote sexualization of young girls?)

A video that captures some of the struggles these characters had to go through.

I also found that some advertisers even pulled their ads from the show right when the character Emily revealed that she was a lesbian. One example is GENERAL MILLS, you know, the cereal brand that makes a variety of cereals for children? So, clearly those at General Mills thinks it wrong for people to be gay. What a wonderful notion to express to children, right?
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I personally don't really follow the show, but I occasionally leave the TV on after watching "The Lying Game" (woah, what's ABC Family really trying to promote here with all these lying-based shows?) and watch some if not all of the following episode of PPL. That being said, I do not entirely know the entire background story behind Emily and Maya, however, when I caught episode 18 of this season that had rather endearing scenes between Emily and Maya, I began to do some research. I was curious to see if people would be angry at this episode and sadly, I was right.

I find these scenes between the two very refreshing, to be honest. Finally, an accurate and kind portrayal of a lesbian relationship on television, not these gay or lesbian characters who only play the "mean person" roles and get killed off or something.

I realize that the General Mills thing was something that happened about a year ago, but it's still the principle of the matter. I really hope one day people can just allow other people to just be happy. I really do think that everyone deserves to find their own happiness in life, so why do others do their best to ruin it for others?
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  •  What do you think of the Florida Family Association attacking ABC Family for having a lesbian couple, but not attacking them for the possible promotion of sexualization of young girls?
  • What are your views on having gay or lesbian characters on TV?
  • When do you think society will finally allow everyone to just be happy and be allowed to publicly express their happiness?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Jessica Says: Why I Don't Care For Valentine's Day

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 While realizing that today was Valentine's Day, I wondered if I could do a blog post on it. But then I remembered that there isn't much in the media that I can dissect unless it focused on stupid Hollywood couples drama, but I can at least give my opinion about the day. So I decided to create a new Tag that will solely be about rants on just about anything, not so much my response to something published in the media. That being said...
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I know what you guys are thinking as you're smirking at the title of this blog entry:
"Well someone's obviously single and bitter."
However, you're wrong. I'm certainly not bitter about the fact that I will be spending my Valentine's Day sans a significant other. And I don't hate Valentine's Day or anyone who chooses to obsess about it or celebrate it. I do, however, think that it is both a decent and bad holiday for a couple of reasons, obviously of which I shall explain further. Keep in mind that these are JUST my opinions.
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  1. As you can tell from the picture above, I think it's an endearing holiday when it comes to children expressing their love for their parents, parent, or guardian/s. It's also a good thing to teach children during grade school when they hand out Valentines to their classmates - you know, to care about and respect least until they get older and somehow forget that.
  2. It is a holiday that some couples embrace and happily celebrate, thus making their emotional connection stronger.
  4. More income for basically all businesses that sell some sort of Valentines Day-themed products.
  5. Brings the nation closer for a day.
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And keep in mind I'm speaking based on experience and hear-say, mainly.
  1. Homosexual couples still aren't treated as equals, therefore, not every couple gets the welcoming chance to publicly celebrate the holiday and their love or appreciation for their partner, though it's a national holiday.
  2. People are succumbing to commercialism. In the words of dearest Tyler Durden from the movie Fight Club, "Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don’t need." (There are many more, but I just chose this one. I love this movie.)
  3. Women tend to hold the well-being of their relationship over the heads of their boyfriends based on whether or not he either remembers it's Valentine's Day or if he doesn't buy her something good, he supposedly doesn't care about her. Same can be said with men as the main subject.
  4. I know a number of women who seem to think Valentine's Day is a day for women, for their men to shower them with presents and whatnot - no. Just no. If you both are choosing to celebrate a day that's about a couple celebrating their love for one another, you both should give one another something special, regardless if it's V-day themed or not. Yeesh, even I know that.
  5. I personally don't feel as though a man needs to or can buy my love, so I don't think it's fair that others hold their boyfriends to that same old standard. I would personally be completely fine-this is if I cannot get out of him wanting to celebrate the holiday-with chilling on the couch and watching TV. Maybe I'm odd, though. It's about more than what he can purchase, though if I couldn't convince him to not buy me something, then I would still appreciate the efforts....I'm not that heartless. But I don't think it's the first thing that should be attempted.
  6. Sometimes, Valentine's Day tends to put a strain on a relationship without anyone actually doing something to initiate the failing...enough said.
  7. Some parents don't seem to realize that their child should give those little Valentines cards, gifts, or candies to every student in class. A person missed can end up being a person pissed. Or middle-school-heartbroken.
  8. Causes some to become depressed about the fact that they don't have someone to spend the holiday with. 
  9. Can also bring the nation apart for a day.
Overall, again, I'm not a hater of Valentine's Day, but I also do not love it. I just don't care for it.

Regardless, I hope you all have a lovely Valentine's Day, if you so choose to celebrate it.


Monday, February 13, 2012

Why Can't More Current Music Artists Be More Like Adele?

February 12, 2012: Adele performing live at the Grammys where she also won 6 awards.
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Even if you don't know anything about British singer/songwriter Adele, it's 100%  likely that you have at least heard her music play on the radio every now and then. Or maybe you've heard your floor-mates wail a lyric or two down the hallway. (Yes, I am speaking from personal experience with that one.) Though relatively newly popular in the US, she has been fairly famous in the UK for quite some time now. With her most recent album "21," many consider the following on the album to be her greatest works: "Rolling In The Deep" and "Someone Like You." As I mentioned above in the image caption, she was nominated for 6 Grammys Awards this year and went home with all 6.  She also performed a stellar performance even though she just had throat surgery.
By why in the midst of this pop era of attention-seeking outfits, risque dance moves, and auto-tune does Adele tend to stand out from her fellow music artists?
Rihanna also performing live at the 2012 Grammys.
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It's because she has talent behind her name and therefore, she does not need to resort to selling sex and abusing theatrics merely to divert the audience's attention from the singing. She does not need to resort to wearing outlandish clothing, grinding on a back-up dancer, or lip-syncing/singing into an auto-tune microphone. She also doesn't need a ton of visual distractions to divert the audience's attention away from her singing voice.
Adele is a breath of fresh air because she has natural talent and has class.
Key words: Natural Talent, Class.
And it seems as though Americans are beginning to appreciate simplicity more than strange.
Plus, who can really deny a well-written song about heartbreak?
Adele singing "Someone Like You" live at the 2012 Grammys. 
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I'm sure many people are assuming I am just biased, that I probably only listen to musicians who do not resort to selling sex or theatrics, but that is not true. Two years ago, I was actually quite the supporter of Lady Gaga and enjoyed her costumes and theatrics, but too much of a good thing generally leads to one getting bored quickly. I also realized after a while that some musicians resort to these tactics solely for attention. But do note that I do like to listen to bubblegum pop, as well as other genres of music.

And no, I'm not claiming that Adele is perfectly innocent. I'm not claiming that just because she has a British accent, that she's automatically not trashy or something.

And actually, she's got quite the sailor's mouth. It's quite hilarious, but that doesn't make me think any less of her. If anything, it shows that she doesn't mind being herself even while the camera is rolling, and that is refreshing. And the mix of someone classy with edge is something I admire in female celebrities and musicians.
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I understand why musicians and celebrities tend to have fabricated images to stand by, I do. Being a composer of music myself, one must be careful with what and how they present themselves to the audience. I am not saying that when I represent myself as Jessica Anastasia, that I am a completely different person, but I do try to keep things as appropriate as possible to avoid backlash. Though I am not a performer, I know that if I ever did perform my own work, I would not need to lose my real self in overwhelming theatrics, makeup, and outfits - though I would remain as appropriate as possible. I just wanted to clarify that I am not condemning all music artists/celebrities for having images to stand by to promote themselves and their work. I just respect those who do not need to make up an entirely different version of themselves and I respect those who attempt to remain as classy and presentable as possible when they take on their professional roles.
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  • What do you think of Adele's stage persona?
  • When do you think Americans will completely tire of the outlandish personas?
  • Women, do you think these female artists are selling themselves short by resorting to selling sex to promote their images?

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Duggar Family: Is It Right To Air Miscarriage News Appointment During Show's Premiere?

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Meet another odd couple that believes their children should grow up in the spotlight and under the camera, much like the Kardashians. The funny thing with this family is that they're extremely religious, so you'd assume they'd have higher morals than the Kardashians when it comes to the exploitation of children for the sake of a TV show. 
If you guys do not know, this is the Duggar family and they star on the show "19 And Counting". Clearly, as you can assume from the title, they are not planning on stopping at 19 children. And get this: they do not believe in birth control (who woulda thunk?) and generally, the older children raise the younger children. 
But for a family that is supposedly extremely religious and supposedly values each child's life severely, many believe it was wrong of them to release photos of Michelle Duggar's 20th child's miscarriage to the public. You would think that such a private and devastating matter would be kept between the family, not strewn along everywhere online. And now they're going to play the tape of Michelle finding out her child was dead.
Note that the image below may cause your stomach to cringe, so if you do not wish to see the miniscule hand of a child lost due to miscarriage, then leave this page now or scroll down past the picture.
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The producers for the show have recently released that the appointment during which Michelle Duggar was informed that her unborn child did not have a heartbeat will be a large part of the new 2012 season premiere. But if this family believes that their children's lives are so sacred, why are they choosing to include this devastating scene that truly should not have been filmed in the first place? Sure, maybe they want viewers to get a sense of what could unfortunately happen to them someday, but does this family really value publicity more than privacy?
I posted the picture above because I remember reading people's comments on various websites when they were first released. And to cut it short, many were sickened that they would literally take time to have a photo shoot with their dead child to post them online. 
But was that a kind tribute or was it a sick publicity stunt, as well?
A lot of the time with these reality TV shows, I'm generally giving my opinion based on what I read online, whether it be articles or people's comments, because I honestly  hate reality TV and would never choose to willingly watch it. That being said, I still think my knowledge despite not watching these shows is credible enough to be able to form some sort of response to them.
Anywho, I personally think this couple is disgusting. And the mother is setting herself up for accidentally dying while giving birth because of her age. And even though this large family does not take money from taxpayers, I believe they are still negatively affecting society. And it's wrong to force children into a reality TV show situation through birth because obviously as infants, they've no choice but to grow up under your roof.
I'm waiting for the day that one of the children crack and we get a "behind the scenes/tell all" book of what it was really like growing up with these adults who don't seem to care about how many people they're popping into the world. But they claim that it's "God's will" every time that Michelle gets pregnant.
I guess it's also "God's will" that they're going to have the miscarriage appointment aired on television, right? And it was "God's will" that also allowed there to be a camera crew in the routine pregnancy check-up appointment. And it was "God's will" to post pictures online of them solemnly posing with their deceased child. And it is "God's will" that they keep on trying to get pregnant even though it could kill Michelle. But I suppose that wouldn't be as terrible as it may seem because as I said, the older children raise the younger children.
Gotta love the exploitation of children and pregnancy on American television, huh?
(Yes, that was sarcasm.)
  • What do you guys think about the fact that the couple allowed there to be cameras in the doctor's office and now they're allowing the news of the miscarriage to air on TV?
  • Do you think this action will help empower women whom have lost children due to miscarriages?
  • What do you think about the fact that this family keeps on reproducing regardless of the fact that Michelle is at an age where she can actually die during childbirth? 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Pregnant And Alone Or Just Pregnant And Pathetic?

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As you can tell above, Kourtney Kardashian and her boyfriend/babydaddy Scott Disick are clearly on the verge of splitting up, as celebrity articles have recently been claiming. This particular vacation photo op was taken last month (who can really deny that the paparazzi aren't always happily invited to Kardashian vacations?) and four months ago, Kourtney got pregnant with her second child. Also conveniently four months ago, Kim Kardashian filed for divorce. As much as American drama-lovers would love for "typical yet lovable asshole" Scott Disick to go back to his questionable ways like the last time Kourtney got pregnant with now 2-year-old Mason Disick, are Americans really THIS stupid to fall for previous promotional and attention/ratings-seeking tactics? Not only that, but are Americans really THIS stupid to not see a connection between both the carefully-timed pregnancy of Kourtney Kardashian and her sister's money-reaping wedding and shady divorce? 
But where exactly is the line between what is right for reality television and what is wrong? We may have a fake bar fight between Snookie and some random guy who's probably being paid to be in said fight, but is it fair to trash up such tremendous respected aspects of life such as marriage and pregnancy?
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(I found this "marketing bundle of joy" thing from another website, and found it hilarious)
I would hope that Americans aren't really this stupid to believe that Kourtney and Scott are splitting up 4 months into their well-timed pregnancy, especially when these same exact pathetic PR tactics were practiced two years ago just to bring publicity towards Kourtney's pregnancies. And now there are rumors that this second child will bring Scott back to his Good-Daddy ways and end up marrying Kourtney. I wonder if she ever even truly wanted children for the sake of raising a family, rather than just bring another marketing baby into the Kardashian world. Anywho, I would also hope that Americans aren't really this stupid to actually thoroughly enjoy the disgusting exploitation and scripted version of a WHOLE family's lives. 
But these are the Kardashians. 
Would it really surprise you that they would stoop to such a disgustingly low standard just for TV ratings?
The answer should be no, by the way.

But is it fair that these innocent children are being born into a family where their lives will be scripted and exploited, solely for money and entertainment purposes that are mainly to suit their parents' obsessive needs to be rich and famous? To find more info about Kourtney, I actually looked at her official website and in nearly every "family" photo op, she labels exactly what high brand clothing he is wearing from shirt to shoes.
It's really a shame when children become dolls instead of people with their own minds, needs, wants, and aspirations. I wonder how entitled and pompous this little Mason is going to end up being. What a shame.
Based upon the past actions of the Kardashians and what they continue to do, I've come up with the following things to note:
  • Just 30 days after Kim Kardashian filed for divorce from Kris Humphreys, Kourtney Kardashian announces her second pregnancy. Sound convenient? I wonder if the moment of conception was part of the script, too.
  • Two years ago, rumors floated around that Scott Disick was going to leave pregnant Kourtney behind while he continued his old ways. Sound familiar? Sounds to me like the writers were too lazy to come up with the different twist to the show. And yes, I know I mentioned this already.
  • Other celebrity news on these two have popped up and seem to be starting to hint that with the second pregnancy, Kourtney and Scott will be the next of the circus act to become hitched. The "Scott being an asshole" situation will be a nice transition into him realizing that he should be there for his "girlfriend" and son, and choose to get married. Link about this new rumor. Does anyone remember how producers were accidentally caught planning this second wedding DURING Kim's wedding? Link. How interesting that they're moving so quickly with making this second wedding seem like a means of morals when it's really them just trying to entertain the public.
  • I also recently did a post on another little spin the writers of this show are trying to push to deter viewers' attentions away from the whole fake marriage/divorce thing with Kim. That post was about Khloe Kardashian possibly not being a real "Kardashian". They are really digging to find other things to focus on, aren't they? 

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Basically here I have shown you guys a few different means that the Kardashians are currently or recently damaging American culture:
  1. Faking a marriage to make a lot of money off it for promotional stuff.
  2. Making a mockery of divorce.
  3. Strategically planning another fake marriage between Kourtney and Scott during Kim's wedding.
  4. Kourtney magically becoming pregnant only a month after Kim files for divorce.
  5. Kris Jenner decides to say that Khloe is not Robert Kardashian's daughter, thus starting to divert attention from Kim.
  6. Four months into the pregnancy, writers revert to prior promotional tactic, meaning Scott leaving Kourtney, again diverting attention from Kim.
  7. Rumors beginning to stir that because of this second pregnancy, Scott and Kourtney are thinking about getting married, something discussed 72 days before Kim's divorce day.
Honestly, I think I made myself very clear in the other portion of this blog entry about how I felt about these recent things. I also think I rambled. But the thing that bothers me most isn't that they're making a mockery of marriage (I don't entirely care for it, myself), but because the show thinks getting Kourtney pregnant will bring in more money. My main focus on what is wrong here is how on earth is this fair to the children? That's what's wrong with having a reality TV show about a family. Infants born into this sick type of reality TV show aren't adults who are able to choose to be on the show. They are being born into a crazy circus act. Granted, they will grow up in a family that has absolutely no financial problems, but they're also growing up in a family that has willing allowed to make their lives scripted for the sole purpose of entertaining the American public and making a ton of money. I also wonder how these kids will feel when they're older and they realized that their father pretended to leave their mother twice just for the sake of the show. Hm.
I think another one of the main aspects that I find pathetic about this show is how fast-paced it is. Kim's quick marriage, quick divorce, the quick second pregnancy with Kourtney, the quick Scott is a dick promotion, the quick rumor that Kourtney and Scott are getting married now. It's extremely fast-paced, as a scripted TV show generally tends to be to keep an audience's attention, but how is this fair to the children being born into this family?
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  •  Do you think it's right that Kourtney, Scott, and the writers have all agreed to make Kourtney's second pregnancy just be a part of the script that will later lead to her marring Scott? 
  • What do you think of this show making a mockery of real marriages, real divorces, real pregnancies, and real paternity issues?
  • How do you think others in various countries feel that this show and all of its fake reality being so heavily glorified in America?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Can People Please Cool It With The Butterbeer Puns?

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I'm almost certain I do not have to say the name of the celebrity above, but I will anyway just in case you haven't been exposed to anything in the media for the past 10 years: this is Daniel Radcliffe, most commonly known for his acting role as Harry Potter in the long-lived Harry Potter movie franchise. Last year, Radcliffe told the public of his struggle with alcoholism, but he actually recently revealed that he would often go to the HP set still drunk from the night before, being that he drank nightly and heavily. 
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Although I am seeing more positive and supportive comments than insulting ones on internet articles about Radcliffe's words, some seem to think that joking about alcoholism is beyond entertaining and amusing. But the reality of the situation is that he once had a problem that he obviously kept to himself for a very long time. I think people should commend him for being brave enough to be so straightforward to the public, not put him down. He has also been sober ever since August 2010, so that says a lot, too.
In a British celebrity news magazine, Heat, Radcliffe says,  
"I have a very addictive personality. It was a problem. People with problems like that are very adept at hiding it. It was bad. I don't want to go into details, but I drank a lot and it was daily - I mean nightly." Quote Source
He also told the public that he has always been quite fearful of not living up to people's expectations - which is understandable considering his profession and the weight of his role. Even though he struggled for a long time, he says his girlfriend's never-ending support helped him through these darker times
So why are people turning this into a joke?
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I'm neither a fan nor hater of Daniel Radcliffe's acting, but I do respect him as a person for many reasons, and not just because he played Harry Potter for the past 10 years (I actually didn't even like the movie series). Though I do not know him personally, he seems to hold true to his convictions, adamantly promotes and funds causes like Gay Rights, and is doing his best to venture away from the label "typecast" in an appropriate and admirable way. I do not believe I have ever read something so straightforward and open by a celebrity ever, especially on such a topic.

I just truly think it is pathetic that people are throwing around Harry Potter-related puns about Radcliffe's alcoholism. A lot of people are also jokingly wondering which scenes he was drunk in, though I could care less. Also, I can't help but to feel that writers are spinning the mood of the story by making their titles sound as though he drank on set or immediately before he got on set (Harry Potter was drunk during scenes of the movie~ Yeah, that doesn't make it sound like he was actually just still drunk from the night before). 

Radcliffe did not have to inform anyone of his alcoholism in the first place and yet, people are painting him to be less of a human being for his admirable actions. I think it's awesome that he was very open about it because it also helped show that he is more than just some rich Hollywood actor, he's really just like a lot of us "normal" people. This humanized him even more to me.
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  • Do you think that because this actor is the one who played Harry Potter, that his struggle with alcoholism makes it amusing? 
  • What do you personally think of those who struggle with alcoholism?
  • Why do you think Americans find it amusing to make HP-related jokes about Radcliffe's honesty?

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Parks and Recreation's Leslie Knope Is Not Allowed To Have A Good Boyfriend?

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 I love Leslie Knope.

Although it should be obvious, Leslie Knope is one of my favorite fictional characters on the hilarious show "Parks and Recreation". (Sensing bias, yet?)  In a world where most female characters on television are dulled down to fit and further the female stereotype, Knope is a strong woman who has her own voice without being the spokesperson and face of feminism. On the show, she is also a bureaucrat in the Parks and Recreation Department of little Pawnee, Indiana. She's competent and strives to be the first female President. (How many other female television characters do you know of who strive for that?)

Here's a pretty funny and accurate video to further describe Knope:
And she loves waffles.
So how can you possibly hate on this amazing character?
It seems as though the fact that Leslie Knope has a boyfriend and that her boyfriend does nice things for her seems to  have tarnished Ms. Marcotte's opinion of Knope and what Knope stood for to her on television today. 
Marcotte implies that Knope has become weak ever since the writers gave her the romance storyline with co-worker Ben Wyatt, much like a damsel in distress. It is true that when Leslie hits a bump in her life, as does everyone, she sometimes turns to Ben for suggestions and support. But isn't that what a girlfriend should expect of her boyfriend if he truly cares about her? And Leslie asks for the advice of just about everyone on the show, so why is she being considered weak to turn to her boyfriend for support? Marcotte makes it sound as though Knope is becoming anti-feminist just because she has a GOOD boyfriend who she, in turn, is a good girlfriend to
But I guess she's not allowed to be happy, right? 

Here's the link to the original article:
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I think I may have voiced my opinion a bit too much in the prior paragraph, so there may not be much to say here. 

Ultimately, I just think it's stupid to insinuate that a strong-willed woman is not allowed to have a boyfriend she can turn to for support, comfort, and advice. Is she not allowed happiness just because she has feminist qualities? And the writer of that article may argue that Leslie is free to find happiness and have a good relationship, but would Leslie's character being paired with a jerk boyfriend really be much better for the sake of this argument? Sure, after she realizes she deserves better and dumps him, she will be dubbed ~Strong Woman Knope, but is it truly THAT bad that she's in a relationship with a good guy? And it's not as though Ben deters her away from her aspirations. If anything, he helps keep that fiery passion alive.

Obviously this blog entry is about the big picture, here, not just this one particular couple on this one particular show. Women all over the world are entitled to  a partner who treats them the way they deserve to be treated. And just because some woman may be strong as hell doesn't mean they become weak when they find this partner.
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  • So do you think if a strong-willed woman turns to her boyfriend for support, she has become weak?
  • Do you think Amanda Marcotte may have narrow view of what exactly embodies feminism?
  • On a scale of 1-10, ten being highest, how AWESOME is this show?
