Friday, July 20, 2012


"Everybody Lies" Jason Walker
(minus the "love" line in the beginning [why would those in love lie to one another?],
this song is lovely, as I just found it and adored it)


Jessica Anastasia must have picked up the pen or opened Word to have posted such a blog post, right?
No, I'm sorry.
(Though I have been reading a lot.)
I do appreciate people's words in regards to the content in my last blog post,
but no, I haven't written anything (creative or not-creative).
I also appreciate people's words on my personal Facebook , as well.

You can view that dedication blog post below this one or by clicking here.

This isn't a xxjessicaSays blog post dissecting random things that bother me in the media,
or a real "Jessica Says" post in which I give more than a personal opinion to something.
It's not a dedication post either.
These sorts of people have gotten enough from me, I believe.

This post is for me to ask a certain type of people something in particular,
as I've recently wrapped my mind around 
and realized just how badly someone hurt me, and then I thought about others who hurt me,
and I realize I have the same reactions:

I just stand there, 
arms wide,
letting their bullets tear through my skin,
letting their talons crush my bones,
letting my name be dragged through mud,
letting my role be the sacrificial lamb,
letting the weight of burden rest solely on my shoulders,
letting them frolic away into the sunset unscathed,

So I'm wondering if my usual much-appreciated readers (or random readers)
could answer a few questions for me,
because though I can wrap my head around how people intentionally and willing chose to hurt me,
I don't understand why.
(Maybe I have to stop being so nice.)
My poison pendant that represents my convictions, much like how a Christian would wear a cross
WHY is it that it's always the people you take 
the bullet for,
who are the ones holding the gun?

WHY is it that it's always the people you 
trust most,
who are the ones stabbing you in the back or heart?

WHY is it always the people who you'd 
never expect to hurt you
who are the ones to completely slaughter you?

WHY is it always the people who 
build you up,
who are the ones to tear you down? 

WHY is it always the people who appear
who are the most selfish?

WHY is it always the people who
actually cared,
who then throw that care to the waste-side?

WHY is it always the people who you
depend on,
who then abandon you?

WHY is it always the people who make 
you happiest,
who choose to take that away?

WHY is it always the people you 
care about most,
who shatter your guarded heart?

Why is it always the 

same story
with these people?
"The Night" by Benjamin Dunnett


Maybe people just view this as a "sad post" or something. But it's far more than that.
I want answers.
I always want answers. 
I always want knowledge. I always want truth. I always want perspective.
And I value other people's opinions and perspectives.

Some thoughts:

Something about me (perhaps another conviction):
I can't hurt people.
Not willingly, intentionally, or without reason.
When you've been thrown to the wolves or walked all over as I have always been,
you realize that you never want to treat others the way you're treated and thoroughly despise.
(Golden Rule, says the Gold Award Girl Scout)

And I hate it when my efforts go unappreciated, 
just as much as I hate it when I inadvertently snub someone else's efforts.
To read more about that conviction, feel free to click below:

"Jessica Says: "Dr. Who:" Never Diminish, Not Appreciate, or Cast Aside Someone's Efforts"

If and when I've unwarrantably hurt someone,
I seek to clear the air - have him or her receive an apology of some sorts.

(I don't entirely believe that words can rightfully portray an apology,
but sometimes they can if written or said well).

Actions still mean more.

On occasion and with those whom I have a strong foundation,
I tend to forgive, as I’m not fundamentally a cruel and unreasonable person.
You can read about some of that conviction in this blog post:
"Jessica Says: My Reality Behind Lies, Truth, Trust, & Forgiveness"

(Btw, just a warning to anybody and everybody, as an anonymous friend just got caught:
I ALWAYS find out if I’ve been lied to or about. Don’t even try.
Liars always end up exposing themselves
or being exposed, anyway. And forgiveness isn't everlasting without what's written below this.)

Perhaps one of the things that hurts more than someone choosing to hurt me is
when the person doesn't seem to care that he or she has done so, and we both know it.
Remorse can sometimes be the only thing an offender can offer to heal another's wounds.

Apologies are also appreciated..
(And warm chocolate chip cookies.
Or candy. They both make everything better.)


I've given some of my thoughts on the matter, as well as some inquiries.
Please let me know what you think
or if there's something I haven't bent my mind into comprehending.
Or maybe everyone is selfish to a degree.
Maybe I'm less selfish than others.
Sometimes all someone needs is an apology.

"It's a kill or be killed world."


(Sorry for the terrible grammar or structure of this entire post; I don't care at the moment.)


"Running Up That Hill" Placebo
(More TVD music and videos can be found on this blog post:

One of my favorite self-preserving characters: Katarina (TVD)

"Jessica Anastasia":
Though Jessica Anastasia has not added any new music excerpts, literary titles, or art to her creative efforts, her website has been updated for the following: information clarity, better navigation, and revamped aesthetics.

More improvements to come,
though as of right now, there will be no new creative efforts added.

July 31, 2012
Jessica Anastasia HAS added works to her Arts page under Sketches.
(Sorry, I forgot; as an apology for misleading, my newest work is right below, though a larger version can be viewed on my website or Facebook page:) 
"The Siren" by Jessica Anastasia


As requested from an Anonymous ;):
"Mutiny" by  Hans Zimmer


SAVE.US_DTM said...

As always I am glad to see you're writing, even if it is on such a sour subject. But just as sure as you post up a blog, I am sure to read it and just as sure as you ask for comments and opinions as I would gladly lay mine down for ya.
I can say with one hundred percent honesty that I have been right where you are. Questioning how the world could come back and slap you in the face so blatantly. I just want you to rest assured, it is not always this way, "but life isn't bliss, life is just this, it's living."
As for your questions, I loved how they were phrased as I've felt the exact same emotions at one time or another. I'll attempt to give you an answer and some of my opinion, if you're willing to entertain them for just a few minutes.
I'd say the answer to your first question is simply, choice. We chose to let someone close, but in so doing, we allow them to know our weaknesses and vulnerabilities. We give them a bit of pull in our lives and that pull can either strengthen us or pull us down. A personal example for many of us, is a romantic relationship. They are always nice, until one party decides they've had too much for one reason or another. The other party is left holding the emotional bag and it's always SO hard to deal with.
The second question you asked ties into that, really. Trust, it's the primary ingredient in ANY relationship. It's the base, but it can be destroyed so easily, if both sides don't constantly work together. Sometimes, to my own disgust, one side decides that no longer benefits them and lets things go, breaking the foundation of trust and sacrificing the relationship to better themselves.
Getting hurt by those you trust and who you would protect with your life is ALWAYS hard. It's hard because you can't even get your hands up to block the incoming flurry. You are emotionally open for the knockout blow and really only the strongest can get up after such a thing.
The Key, I've learned is to build YOURSELF up. Yes, allow people in ALLOW people to add to the good in your life, but never let ANYONE else control your destiny. Build yourself up into the bright star in the night, you know deep down you can be.
I've also learned that often times, people's personalities are like an onion, with MANY layers. At times one may appear selfless, but then turn around and take all they can from you. The trick is to really DIG into someone's personality, peel back some of those layers, before making a decision on making them a part of your life.
It is sad though how sometimes, all the care you had for someone and they for you, could be tossed into the trash. That comes down pure and simple, to who they are on the inside, underneath all those layers. Some will tough it out and some will tuck tail and run, the question you need to ask yourself is, who do I want on my team?
Once you depend on someone, that means you care for AND trust them. Dependence on someone else is not to be taken lightly. I honestly can say I have never abandoned anyone who depends on me, I allow them to leave on their own. Simply because if you drop someone flat on their face when they were trusting you and depending on you, who knows what you'll do to that life. But that's just me. I, like you can be way too nice.

SAVE.US_DTM said...

Part II

In terms of happiness being taken away, I know how that feels. I just go by the old adage "sometimes good things fall apart, that better things may come together." I know, it's cliche, but I have found it is true. It's not always easy to see the silver lining, but trust me when I tell you, it's ALWAYS there. Something can be gained and learned from every experience, good or bad.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm sorry you're having to endure such a rough time. You're a very kind and compassionate person and it's a shame some don't see it. It is always the people like you and I who get stepped on, but the trick is to get up, dust off and smile at the adversary known as life and let it know you won't back down.

Just remember we're all flawed, that's just human nature. We all have the capacity for good and for evil. But living your life by the compass of "treat others as you'd like to be treated" is ALWAYS the best bet.

Best of luck Jess, as always get in touch if you need to talk.

~ Dan

chelsea said...

heyy girl

so my comment won't be as long as the dude above this, but I just wanted to comment anywhos.

this post really says a lot without saying a lot. at least that's how I see it. as for your questionsss

(You should #d them)

I personally think people just look out for themselves. i think you should do more of that, tbqh. being too nice won't get you anywhere because people will just use, abuse, or hurt you. I remember you saying after you broke up with [shh] that you'd stop being so nice. see where it gets you?? lol :/

i like the first song you used. it's true though that everybody lies. I'm sure even you do sometimes, right? I know how much it sickens you to do it, tho. and I know you can't hurt people intentionally. you always come up with some of the best apologies. i too think actions mean more.

i love that you wrote this: "Btw, just a warning to anybody and everybody, as an anonymous friend just got caught:
I ALWAYS find out if I’ve been lied to or about. Don’t even try."

it's so true. you're like a cat. or a hound dog. or a detective. maybe you should major in detective work? ;/ ha

i'm glad to see you wrote, though. that's good. don't give up dearee! txt meh<3


MP said...

Miss Jessica,

It is good to see a new blog post, though it's not the kind I had hoped to see. Remember when you used to have so much fun ripping apart ridiculous things you find on the internet? Would doing such a blog post be fun?

I am saddened that you haven't written anything creative, though. But I suppose at least you are reading, that's good. Any new fiction other than those dreadful Fifty Shades books? :p

In regards to this post...I know exactly what you're talking about here (granted, many people do), and all I have to say is this:

You don't need those who hurt you. You're stronger and far better than that. You shouldn't be afraid to do what you may need to. Many people do what they need to do, even if they don't particularly want to do what they need to do. Perhaps don't be so trusting of people, though I'm pretty sure you aren't naive - which is good.

I'm here for you, as well, and I hope that your life takes a different turn. Those who know, know that you deserve it.

Again, don't be afraid of what you may have to do. Self-preservation can sometimes seem selfish, but it's for the best, especially if you only end up losing in the end.

Try to write. Even music, though I know you haven't finished anything new in over a year or so. Try something. Your mind and creativity should be shared to the world, not kept hidden because of all of those who hurt you.


xNina Writes said...


Thank you very much for such a lengthy comment! And I'll be sure to check out your blog, as well!

Yes, I suppose writing is writing, right? But I do wish it was on a different topic. I'm sorry to read that you've been where I am. I think many people end up being hurt by someone he or she trusted. And that's true that life is just living, though a few sparse moments of bliss would be kindly embraced. I'm sure I write for everyone when I write that!

Thank you for saying that you like how they're phrased! I feel as though they're sort of all asking one question, but what sort of a blog post would this be if I were to cut maybe 600 words off of it? Anyway, here are my responses to your answers:

First question's response: That's very true, it is choice. And that was a good example with the relationship bit.

Second question's response: I think trust is the foundation of any degree of less-than-surfacey human interactions. I read a quote about it being the glue to society, as well. I generally don't trust people, though I do give people a chance. It definitely isn't entertaining when one breaks trust to better himself or herself.

I really like this, btw: "It's hard because you can't even get your hands up to block the incoming flurry. You are emotionally open for the knockout blow and really only the strongest can get up after such a thing." That's so true.

That's a very good outlook, though, to view it as something to build yourself up. I also like what you wrote on my FB status update, as well, since that pertains to this. And people definitely are like onions, though I learned that in Shrek (:P).

I really like what you wrote about with depending on someone. That's true, you do have to care about and trust someone to be able to depend on them. That's wonderful that you never abandon those who depend on you and allow them to leave on their own. I am the same.

"Simply because if you drop someone flat on their face when they were trusting you and depending on you, who knows what you'll do to that life." <-- VERY TRUE.

I surely await the silver lining. Things tend to have a way of working themselves out, but some things don't. Or not in everyone's benefit. And thank you very much for your VERY kind words about me, too. That's very appreciated and the same goes back to you. My relative said something in regards to humans being flawed, as well. It's an interesting concept.

And I agree, the Golden Rule is always the best! Though I recall that heavily from Girl Scouts.

Thank you for your comment Dan, and you know I will be and have :)


xNina Writes said...


Haha no need to worry about how many words are in your comment. I appreciate them all equally.

Sorry for not numbering them. And I agree, people truly do just look out for themselves, though I don't believe all people are selfish and egotistical. (Haha about your "shh," by the way, but yes, look where it's gotten me.)

I don't enjoy lying nor do I endorse it. Sometimes you have to and sometimes you don't have to. I think it depends on the situation, but people shouldn't lie if they know that their lie would completely destroy someone. Like if someone cheated on me, I'd rather be told I was cheated on than be lied to and believe everything is all right. But ultimately, I do not lie often and don't lie to hurt anyone.

Yes, it's very true. I ALWAYS find out if someone lied to me or about me. People don't realize that I'm very clever when it comes to human interaction. And I have the memory of an elephant when it comes to conversations or interactions.

Thanks for commenting! ;)


xNina Writes said...


No, I don't really have an interest in what I used to do with this blog anymore, but to be fair, I haven't had an interest in anything regarding writing for a while (minus responding to people or emailing). Haha about the Fifty Shades. I was more intrigued as to why they were so popular. Tis another romanticized abusive relationship that's terribly written. I don't understand the glamour. Anyway, yes, I have read a few more books, including "White Oleander." I'm now reading some short stories and maybe "Zoya" when I get the chance.

I've heard that many times about not needing those who hurt me and I do realize that. And I'm fully prepared for the storm, so it's not so much being afraid anymore. People do what they have to do. And I'm not trusting of people, though I give all a chance.

Yeah, I noticed that about my music. I dind't realize it's been such a long time since I've completed anything. Thank you for your kind words, always, they're sincerely appreciated.


Anonymous said...

You should find a Pirates song for part of your feelings with this when people screw you over or hurt you. I'll love you forever if you put it at the end of this blog post :P I know you'll find the perfect one.


xNina Writes said...


There you go ;)
First one I thought of, too. Perhaps the later part of "Mermaids" as well from Potc4.


"I Don't Think Now is the Best Time." That has a number of different themes in it.


xNina Writes said...

*Changed the Pirates video to a very well-done scene. Cutler Beckett admirably doing down with his ship. It's only the music, though.


A said...

Holy FUCK at ur recent sketches that have been posted on ur FB page! Have u taken classes? And why a siren? Anyway it's sad to see that art seems to be the last untouched part of ur JA stuff that's been unaffected by ppl. I understand tho, some ppl make passions not even worth it. N I read some of ur responses to the other post, and it's not worth it to be angry n wanting to prove ppl wrong with a passion. But ur JA. Uve been doing this stuff since like 9. Don't let ppl destroy ur creative passions!


xNina Writes said...


Haha thank you for your enthusiasm about my art! I find that my art tends to get people's reactions a bit more than music or literature (though I don't upload literature). But no, I haven't taken any art classes and don't plan to, either. I chose a siren because it's based on a poem I wrote at the end-ish of this past March. Also, I adore mythology, though I am honoring the later version of the Siren.

And it is very sad, but I am used to people harming my aspirations or creative passions. Needless to say, it's always the ones who you'd never expect to do so, to actually do so.

No, it's not worth it to be angry and have that fuel your aspirations. It's not even a passion then, it's more of a self-inflicting obsession. That's how music was for me closer to the end of its lifespan and before I chose to again focus on the fiction/poetry/creative writing aspect of JA creative efforts. And it's not enjoyable to have the main focus switch to proving people wrong.

And I'm doing my best, but sometimes when passions are associated with certain situations, they aren't even desirable anymore.

(You'll have to message me who you are, sorry. I appreciate your comment nonetheless!)


MP said...

I was hoping that I had missed a blog post on your Facebook, but you really haven't written a new one. That's really a shame because you really liked to do this stuff before and your humor was enjoyable. Have you written anything, creatively or even the memoir?

The art you've uploaded has been beautiful. Although I had to look up what a Siren is, I like your depictions.

Why the Ashley song?

Well, I know your university starts soon. I wish you the best of luck, and I hope you regain some of what you've lost.


xNina Writes said...


Thanks for checking up on this blog. I do appreciate it! I've also seemed to gain several more page views than before, though I am not sure why.

I haven't written anything creative or not creative. Do email/Facebook/Blogger/cellphone responses count? Probably not. Thanks for asking, though, and the memoir was only just started a while ago, but I haven't really worked on it in a while.

Thanks about the Siren sketches! I'm not as fond of the Greek depictions. A very watered-down (ha) version of a siren was used in the most recent Pirates movie. They call them mermaids, though. They're amongst my favourites of mythology.

The Ashley song because it's an inside joke between a very good friend and me, at least the title. The video features a mutually-favored character from a mutually-favored TV show, too.

Thank you for the good luck and for commenting again. We shall see about the last bit.


SpaceTear said...

Here's my philosophy:

I would also recommend the book 'Stranger in the a Strange Land' by Robert Heinlein.

Honestly, we're all alone. No one can magically see into someone else's head and literally put him- or herself in someone else's shoes. Languages of any and all kinds (spoken, sung, written, signed, what-have-you) are poor attempts. So, OF COURSE, the thing we all strive hardest for in life is to NOT be alone. Money, music, art, scientific discoveries, finding friends, the stereotypical nuclear family or Not, finding romantic love, even the anti-social hermit has the void and tries to fill it with SOMETHING (I don't know what, I can't speak from experience, and I'm sure it's different for each). It's all attempts to garner attention and recognition from those whose existences we value. So, how do we get it? We make ourselves vulnerable. We give something important to these others with the absurd hope that they will reciprocate. Few do, most don't. And for the few that do, of course they are doing the same thing for other who THEY value, which doesn't necessarily include you. If it does, great, hope that it lasts. If it doesn't, you get ignored or used. Lies will never go out of fashion because if we can lie to ourselves, it's easy to lie to someone else. There is no ethical standard, no 'high' or 'low' morals because everyone's are different, we're all just floating around on this green-blue-brown ball wishing we weren't alone. But we are. And we can't help but look out for ourselves first, even if we have CONVINCED ourselves that we are not.

So, what to do? Hope that you find as many people as possible that have the same integrity and type of standards that you do and hope to heaven and hell that they're looking for you too. The whole thing is essentially a game of chance anyway.

Either you hurt yourself from being alone, or you get hurt by others from most of the attempts to NOT be alone.

But I'm a cynic. Maybe it's all sunshine and rainbows, and WE'RE the idiots who can't see it.

Oh! Even if you don't watch South Park, watch the 2-part episode from this past season. Part 1 is "You're Getting Old" and 2 is "Assburgers." It IS relevant tho this topic. For all the stupidity and cheap laughs, there's some deep thoughts interspersed in that show.

xNina Writes said...


What a fascinating comment; I have read it several times and am still intrigued. As such, I kindly inquire who you are, as I have asked several friends if they have written a comment under the Blogger account SpaceTear, and all have said no. I find the contents of your comment very interesting and would actually like to discuss them in-person, if I do in fact know you personally and depending on our standing. If I know you personally, then I am sure that you have personal contact information. You are free to use such means and all will be kept confidential.

Anyway, onto your comment.

I am intrigued because I have recently felt very alone at a particular place despite making myself extremely vulnerable and pleading for help, forgiveness, and understanding - though such efforts seem to have been for naught thus far, which is disheartening and rather detrimental. I have been an emotional wreck, though perhaps that is too personal to state to someone whose identity I do not know.

I do not believe you are cynical in your words here - quite often I get reprimanded for being cynical, though I do believe it is truly being realistic most times than not. I am curious as to what makes you think the way you do, though, as not everyone believes what you do and it could be viewed as rather saddening. I do, however, do not think that some actions can be justified through simply expressing such actions as being solely out of self-preservation. As I wrote in my blog post, quite frankly, sometimes true understanding from the victimized person can be achieved if the other simply apologizes, or attempts to show remorse through some way that shows that the victimized person's emotions and pain is being taken into account. Several times, I have had to swallow my pride and express my remorse; I have gone down with my ship. It is disheartening when someone chooses to not really show concern or understanding for the other's feelings. I always do my best to ensure that with others and hope for the same. And I always say sorry if I have done wrong because I have compassion for others.


xNina Writes said...

I do think everybody's moral standards are different, but when it is a question of compromising someone else's wellbeing, I do believe that there are other ways to both preserve yourself and that person. Far too often, I have been hurt by those I trust and care about, though sometimes I still oddly do or wish to figuratively run into their arms and plea for him or her to be in my life, especially when there is no one to turn to. I often wonder if there is a reason behind this or if I set myself up to be knocked down. Or sometimes, I need to look out for myself and be less selfless, though I truly do have both compassion and understanding for others. It is always disheartening to realize that another didn't value me as I valued them, or perhaps they did or still do value me. I do not know and I am assuming I will never find out in such situations. Also, it is rather concerning when you've been harmed by those whom you found to have the same integrity and type of standards. I don't toss around my trust with everyone; it is actually rather difficult to achieve. But truly, what actually happens when you cannot trust someone you trusted before, or you cannot trust the people you trusted before? What then? And I think lying is terrible and there's no way to really justify it, unless actual remorse is shown by the liar. I have always appreciated in-person means of remorse, though I have personally sometimes had to express such through written means.

Thank you for the suggestions with the book and South Park. I do believe that several who are alone find solace in being alone with another who feels as though he or she is alone. Perhaps you should seek others who are alone. Life can truly be beautiful in companionship, to whatever appropriate degree.

I hope to hear from you, as I am still intrigued by who you are and/or could be, and I wonder what have caused your outlook regarding loneliness.

Also, here is a quote from the book "White Oleander" that I immediately thought of after reading your comment (I suggest both the book and movie; perhaps if I know you in person - depending on the standing - and if you own the suggested book, we could swap. Also, this character, Ingrid, is truly a wonderfully intriguing woman and has inspired me):

"Loneliness is the human condition. Cultivate it. The way it tunnels into you allows your soul room to grow. Never expect to outgrow loneliness. Never hope to find people who will understand you, someone to fill that space. An intelligent, sensitive person is the exception, the very great exception. If you expect to find people who will understand you, you will grow murderous with disappointment. The best you'll ever do is to understand yourself, know what it is that you want, and not let the cattle stand in your way." ― Janet Fitch, White Oleander.

Thanks for visiting my blog. Perhaps I will write another post in time regarding loneliness. Perhaps I will hear from you further, as well.


xNina Writes said...


An addition: I also suggest perhaps looking into the television show "The Vampire Diaries," as I have added some media of Katherine Pierce in this blog post. Her character is quite interesting and inspiring because she is truly one of the most self-preserving characters I have ever seen in a television show; however, though she hates to admit it, she does have a heart and holds onto her humanity and forgiveness. I think people can be both self-preserving, but also considerate, too. Katherine also does not wish to be alone.

Just a suggestion. I also have an earlier blog post regarding my admitted humanity that incorporates a lot of emotion and "The Vampire Diaries," too.

Again, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps I will hear from you further.


SpaceTear said...

I really like that quote. I'll answer it with another; not a rebuttal, just a reply and a concurrence.

'But how, from the viewpoint of a Martian, did Man differ from other animals? Would a race that cold levitate (and God knows what else be impressed by engineering? If so, would the Aswan Dam, or a thousand miles of coral reef, win first prize? Man's self-awareness? Sheer conceit, there was no way to prove that sperm whales or sequoias were not philosophers and poets exceeding any human merit.
There was one field in which man was unsurpassed; he showed unlimited ingenuity in devising bigger and more efficient ways to kill off, enslave, harass, and in all ways make an unbearable nuisance of himself to himself. Man was his own grimmest joke on himself. The very bedrock of humor was-
"Man is the animal that laughs," Jubal answered.'