Saturday, March 10, 2012

Shouldn't Everyone Be Able To Do Their Own Laundry? I Mean, How Old Are We?

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It actually took me a couple of tries to write a title that's appropriate for this particular post. I figured the one I finally chose is suitable and not filled with rage.

Anywho, word has it that a British apparel company called Mad House recently wrote sexist instructions in their mens trousers washing instruction label. As can be seen in the image above, the label shows the real instructions (that everyone should be able to do at a certain age...especially if this is a MEN'S trousers line...keyword: MEN'S...not little boys - MEN) and then an alternative to being able to do something that most adult humans of both genders can do, however, that particular alternative got them into a ton of trouble.

This alternative is:
Yeah, um, sexist much?
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(See what I did there?)
So apparently the company is denying that they think that they believe that laundry is strictly a woman's job.  They're also now claiming that they do not proofread the care instructions of their products that are stocked in their store. The company has not issued a statement and are not responding to phone and email requests for comments. They have, however, responded to select few tweets that are defending Madhouse and saying that the instruction labels are comical, not offensive. They also promise to proofread their labels before putting them on shelves, but still stand behind the fact that they found it "comical."

Knowledge of this was mainly brought about by British journalist Emma Barnett because she tweeted about how shocked she was to see this in her boyfriend's pants label over the weekend while tidying the house. She stated that she normally can stomach and smile along with what can be considered as casual sexist banter, but she felt as though this truly took it too far. Some agree with her, some think that it's hilarious, and some want to know where they can buy a pair.

So what's wrong with this?
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I generally can also stomach or occasionally laugh at stupid sexist statements, too, however, I think this crosses the line. How could this company produce such trousers and  how on earth can the store not have noticed this in their shipment? I mean, it's not like they just got one pair, they got a stock of them. It's not like they don't know of the stereotype of women and the old-fashioned stereotypical expectation that women should be the only one to do the housework and have vast knowledge of domestically.

I also think it's dumb that the company is not issuing an apology. Even though they claim that they will proofread their labels more, they're only saying that because of the backlash - not to mention that they never bothered to apologize. I think it's fairly obvious that the store's owner does not care about the fact that some took this "joke" offensively. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he found it humorous.

I'm not saying if I were living with a man, that I wouldn't offer to do both of our laundry; however, it's a two-way street.  And he sure as Hell will know better than to crack sexist jokes...just saying.
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  • Do you find this label humorous or offensive?
  • What do you think about the fact that the store never apologized to those who were offended?
  • Can you do your own laundry, male or female?



Anonymous said...

You claim you can stomach/laugh at stupid sexist comments, but this is too much? Isn't that contradictory, since that's the stupidest sexist comment (that I've ever heard, at least)?

I do find the comment humorous, it's very tongue-in-cheek, just like how Old Spice commercials show what men should be like.

Company apologies in general are vague and empty, why demand one? If they did issue one, they would only do it because they had to, and no one responsible for the tag would really be sorry. I would rather have no apology then an uncaring apology.

As for your third question, yes, I can do my own laundry, and I guess I'll be doing it myself, lest I run the risk of offending my significant other for being sexist.

xNina Writes said...


Note that this will be the last harsh comment that will be accepted to be published. There is truly a way in which a commenter can express their opinions without having an obvious negative bias against the writer. And again, I must note that this is a blog, not a scientific law.

Point one: If you don't realize that there is a difference between a company printing a sexist comment on men's trousers compared to a cartoon sketch making a "woman joke," then that's not my problem. It's not contradictory in the least. There is a severe difference. Think about it, though you don't seem to understand any of my posts.

2. Commercials are commercials. I personally find the Old Spice ones stupid, just like every other stereotypical male commercial/etc. But of course someone with your mindset would find the comment humorous. Are you angry that I haven't done a male stereotypes post yet or something? Because you certainly have proven yourself to tear apart the ones concerning women.

3. Did you even read what I wrote? They responded only to tweets that defended them. They had communication about specific things other tweeters were saying. If they were able to do this, then they could have stated an apology, but the fact that they didn't proves that they weren't sorry for offending people. And most company apologies are uncaring apologies, but they do it to because of the backlash.

4. I'm so proud of you. And by this statement, you absolutely prove that you did not comprehend this blog post nor my opinion about the subject. Watch your words, please.


Dan Monteleone said...

Upon confirming that these actually exist, I can say I am not amused. Some guys think it's cute to throw in a little demeaning sexist comment, but not me, I mean come on have we gotten out of middle school as a society?
It's not funny, it's sophmoric and offensive. Female roles or schemas are stupid, I think we should all be equal, but then, I'm an optimist. The fact that there has been no recall or apology from the store will only piss people off more.
Frankly, I can do my own laundry, my mom raised me to be able to do basic household maintainence and I appreciate it.

Also, you do seem to have alot of haters? what's up with that. All these anonymous folks have balls behind their keyboards, but I bet if half their mothers/ girlfriends saw these posts, they'd be sleeping on the couch for sure. IT'S ABOUT RESPECT GENTS!!