Sunday, March 4, 2012

Rihanna And Chris Brown To Duet In Rihanna's New Single? Seriously?

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I gotta be honest, I actually had a different Rihanna post in the drafts queue that showed that the producers for the Grammys felt as though they were the victims of Chris Brown's domestic violence assault on Rihanna 3 years ago. I felt that that was completely selfish and heartless because if anyone was the victim, I'd have to say it was the girl who was beaten unconscious. I was going to focus on the fact that Rihanna was a victim and therefore, should not be mocked.

But now I can't really do a post on that. One, because I kind of missed posting it in a reasonable amount of time after such information was released. And two, because supposedly these two are planning on doing a duet together and have been conversing on Twitter, a public social networking site, for a while now.
So what's the problem here?
How about this question that readers of online media are asking themselves:
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It is sickening for many reasons, but I must first note that I find it truly disgusting how the media seems to be giddy for the two to be conversing and possibly working together again. Does nobody take domestic violence seriously in Hollywood? But even the better question could possibly be this:
Does Rihanna?

I remember reading about the assault three years ago and vividly remember the pictures that were released. Needless to say, I was revolted. How could any person lay their hands on another in such a violent and ill-intended way? Especially those in a relationship? Domestic violence is certainly no laughing matter. The world gained a lot of respect for Rihanna when she opened up about the ordeal and stood by causes that promoted awareness for domestic violence. She was strong even though she was hurt physically. She wasn't afraid to tell people about the reality of the situation.
But after such a noble deed for being a sufferer of such a horrible crime, has she truly forgiven the man who so brutally beat her years ago?  
Is it really that easy to move on from a man who was photographed jet-skiing in Miami only a month after the assault took place?
Though neither celebrities will confirm or deny the rumor of their collaboration, it honestly seems likely at this point. They were both relatively recently photographed leaving the same studio, but in a short 20 minute interval of one another. And Chris Brown celebrated Rihanna's birthday with her.  
Well now.
Rihanna and Chris Brown leaving the same studio in a 20 minute interval from one another.
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 I still don't think it's right that he hit her. But I also don't think it's right that she's already getting cozy with him or would even want to. I personally know that I would never be able to speak to, work with, or see a person who was so heartless and violent towards me and resorted to domestic violence. Maybe I'm just a very unforgiving person, but I don't think you should ever have to fear the person you choose to be in whatever relationship with. 

And what sort of message is this sending to the women who could relate to her and appreciated her speaking up about something they went through themselves? Now she's getting back together with a guy she knew hurt her.  

I realize this is her own love life, but being that she's a public figure, you'd expect that she would at least keep in mind all of the people she touched with her story and pain. 
Chris Brown hugging Rihanna at her most recent birthday party.
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  • What do you think of Rihanna and Chris Brown possibly getting back together?
  • Being that Rihanna's openness about the situation when it happened helped many other battered women. What do you think they feel about this new situation?
  • Will you listen to their duet?


Dan Monteleone said...

To be honest, I'm kind of pissed she'd even CONSIDER being within 30 feet of him. After what he did to her! It's unacceptable and SO wreckless. I can't profess to know what's going on in her head, but, I mean he abused her what could possible possess her to want to be with him.
I can't imagine how all those victims of battery she inspired are now feeling. She was kind of a figurehead for them, someone to look for, for inspiration to fight back and here she is falling into the worst battery behavior you can get into! GOING BACK!
I won't be listening to their duet should it arrive, both because I can't believe this AND because I'm more of a rock guy honestly.

*FACEPALM* Oh Rihanna