Monday, June 18, 2012

Jessica Says: Passions Can and Do, Indeed, Wilt

Pretty White Oleanders' Image Source

(A video for lovely background music and the soundtrack that started my passion and once-pursuit for film composition; "Death" by Danny Elfman from "Edward Scissorhands;" don't look too much into the title of the song, I just feel this beautifully heart-wrenching piece is perfect for this post.) 
Hello, kind readers:

My previous blog post should have been a larger red-flag for me than it was (as noted by my kind friends), but I think my mind was very unwilling to accept what appears to be absolute truth now. Absolute, disappointing, and disheartening truth.

I think I have now accepted that my passion for creative writing will continue to wilt, as it has been doing so for some time now, though what really made me realize this truth was when I attempted to write a humorous, yet flowery, short story of the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies colliding in 4 billion years as a "creative assignment" for my summer Astronomy class, but I just couldn't write. I had several ideas (as who can't love a made up humorous story a galactical war with human-like furious faces?), but  

I. couldn't. write. a. single. sentence. 

Not without other thoughts coming to surface and making it impossible to complete a sentence. I even tried to write a simple poem. Even a short one, but I couldn't.

Even this blog post is very difficult to write, on so many levels.
I'm very disappointed about that. Actually, scratch that. I am SO incredibly disappointed, upset, discouraged, and hurt, as my passion for creative writing had somewhat recently been revived after chilling in the dugout for about 5 years while music composition took highest priority. But I wanted to at least compose a public blog post thanking those who have always unconditionally supported my dreams of becoming a successful creative writer, if this passion does not revive. I appreciate those whom have supported my poems, short stories, and novels ever since middle school. I also appreciate those whom have supported my prior dream of becoming a successful film composer, though for many reasons I will not disclose here, I chose to pursue creative writing instead.
Ever since middle school when I began to craft an image for a combination of my music, my literature, and my art, I realized that I am an entirely creativity-fueled person. Everyone I've grown up with and now know, knows this notion to be very true. However, I do not know how much I will now write or attempt to publish under my legal name or my pseudonym, Jessica Anastasia, now, just as I write infinitely less music than before (last complete composition is dated as being uploaded on August 20, 2011 on my website...yikes)

For those interested in my literary works, I do hope to finish a currently untitled novel that I've been working on for a while as well as my highly-hyped up supernatural/thriller (or horror?)/psychological thriller fictional short story "Hillcrest Manor," as I've told a handful people of it about seven months ago after waking up from a nightmare and quickly jotting everything down I could remember (gotta love when your sleeping mind comes up with full stories for you). I still believe it is a brilliant idea with a hauntingly beautiful message at the end. (Maybe I just have to keep reminding myself of that so I can actually complete it...or maybe my friends should pester me more ;]) I have also written a handful of "new" poems that range from being written weeks ago to months ago that I believe are "Jessica Anastasia"-label-worthy. 

For those interested in my musical works, as always, I do hope to complete something at some point in time. I have a select few ideas that focus around the poems mentioned above, as well as "Hillcrest Manor." (I wish I could write piano sheet music better.)

*Cough Jessica Anastasia Official Website Cough*

(Trying to keep some humor here, as this post does not focus on a happy topic.)
Thank you to all of the people in my life who have supported, embraced, and praised my creative talents, no matter how they've been affected or altered or whatever by me or any outside forces. Stating as myself and my image (which I generally don't do for protective reasons), your encouraging support has always been and will always be appreciated, no matter what happens, though I truly do hope that this passion can be revived once again.

I will be monitoring comments on this post because I do not believe I am entirely protected here with my words even though this is technically a blog, so please do be careful with your words, intentions, and language.
Even if I think you are an awesome person, if you cannot kindly adhere to what I wrote above for my own safety, your comment will be deleted. But please keep in mind that doesn't mean I don't appreciate the comment any less. I'll probably P/M you and ask you to rephrase your words :)

As stated in my prior post, 

Till 'Til next I write and next you read,
or perhaps this is our bittersweet adieu between writer and reader,
thanks to those who have read my words.
And be true to yourself, as I am to myself. 

 (Chopin's relaxing 21st Nocturne)

July 7, 2012

I'm not really updating to say that I've picked up the pen, or opened Word, or anything of the sort, but as I enjoy enlightening people with things that I find beautiful, or interesting, or worth-while, I wanted to share the existence of a wonderful novel called "White Oleander," by Janet Fitch. I haven't read for pure entertainment since the final Harry Potter book, but I need something to do to pass the time these days, and this is the fourth book I've read this summer so far.

As I've been a tremendous adorer of the movie of the same name (it's one of my favorites, as well as "Girl, Interrupted), I decided to look into the novel. I'm only at the beginning, but while reading, I remembered that I put a picture of white oleanders above this public letter. They are my favorite flowers, and a lot because of what they stand for in this movie and book.

I just wanted to share this:

And another thanks to those who've left comments for me about this, as well as those who've contacted me through other means to express your feelings. Your words are ever appreciated xx 
Though there have been no new additions to Jessica Anastasia's collections of music, literature, or art, she has updated her official website to include an (incomplete) listing of her literature (short fiction, poetry, and novel), listing of information on About page (Overview, Biography, Upcoming Projects), upgraded Arts page to better display photography and sketches, upgraded Contact page (it's pretty), upgraded Updates page (it's also pretty), and added background music throughout some pages - all utilizing a few new features on the WIX website.

As Jessica Anastasia needs view counts for her account on .tk (a free website-hosting service), please feel free to check it out if you stumble upon this blog post xx

Jessica Anastasia - Composer of Music and Literature Official Website


xxxx said...

Jessica, you beautiful talented Ukrainian gypsy,

I'll be careful here, so I'll just put a frowny face.


Actually, this is more accurate.

Or this.


Passion is hard to revive when it's been associated with pain. But I hope things work out for you and I'm here for you. You're an excellent writer of music and poems/short stories/etc, sketch artist, photographer, model (;] meow), painter, etc etc etc. Your talent should be shared with the world, not trampled on.


xNina Writes said...

You always have such interesting ways to address me haha. Thank you :P And thank you for not putting anything too revealing in your comment!

And thank you for your kind always, they are greatly appreciated. I will inform you if things change otherwise.

Thank you<3,


chelsea said...

I like the flower analogy, girl, and that you used your fav. Ah the poisonous oleander ;)

Try to write something creative. Or something not creative and just for fun. Even your posts from may haven't been the same. It's like light fading from someone's eyes (<-- I tried ha).

Don't give up, girl...


xNina Writes said...


Why thank you; and I think the concept behind a poisonous pretty flower is interesting, especially in regards to this particular topic.

And you did very well, if I do say so myself (in regards to the light fading). I'll inform you if I write anything creative or otherwise, but please kindly do not hold your breath, m'dear ;|

Thank you xx

MP said...

Thank you for sending me this link. I really appreciate that I'm one of the ones you dedicated this to.


I really do feel for you. It took 4.5 years for music to wilt and not even 4 months for creative writing (that you switched back to). That's...something.

But try to write something, even if it's just on a napkin or something like that. You're far too talented to let such a beautiful mind go to waste. It's people like you who leave impacts, not just march like sheep down the line of expectations (like that?) living mediocre lives.

You're a talented, gorgeous, and intelligent woman. Don't forget that, regardless of where life may take you. I wish the best in the revival of your passion for creative writing. (And I anxiously await "Manor.")


xNina Writes said...

(This is more for viewers' sakes, as I do not wish to appear rude)


Though we conversed elsewhere about your truly-appreciated comment, I wanted to thank you again here.

You're welcome for sending you this link, I'm happy you checked it out. And I certainly hope writing revives, but I cannot make promises. Once something beautiful is associated with pain, it becomes far less beautiful and it hurts you from the inside outward. I just wish there was something else I had promise for. Writing was first and last. I actually found the Van Gogh notepad my 7th grade teacher bought for me. Funny.

I will attempt to write something creative. I have put a lot of thought into a certain piece of writing, as I basically sent vivid and detailed recollections to a family member of mine. So it's sort of already written, minus the flowery connections.

And even sheep live fruitful lives.

You're too kind xx j

Anonymous said...

Been watching your FB updates. Shit you can't get a break in any aspect of life, huh? Let's find you a boyfriend, huh? [;

WRITE ANASTAYSIA. You're actually a very good writer, unlike many in your major (shhhh).

And don't be afraid to make a decision you didn't before. Those who hurt you deserve to hurt, equally. Be like your favorite flower, Anastaysia. Beautiful, but deadly [;


xNina Writes said...


I am enjoying your cat-like/snake-like behavior. And no, I cannot get a break. Not allowed to. And the boyfriend comment is ever entertaining. You know it's not that simple.

I think they should do some sort of portfolio thing to get into the major, but that's just me. And I am attempting to, but I've no willpower to write. Gasp for using the nearly correct spelling of my name. Shcho z vamī?! It's technically Anastay'sia, though. Looked ridiculous in my pen name, so I changed it to the American spelling.

And nice cryptic message there. And yes, those who hurt others should be punished in some way for their actions. We shall see in time. I am sometimes too forgiving. Sometimes.

Dobryy vechir,

Anonymous said...

since i know your story, this post really saddens me. fuck all the people who hurt you. you should write a memoir. god knows you have everything and more for that. maybe it could be a lifetime movie. they always have these sorts of stories on there. this situation would maybe have teh opposite effect on me. i'd write like a thousand short stories, push them for publication, and make a statement. same thing with your poetry and novels. why do ppl kill your creativity? why take away imagination when the real world sucks? (especially in that state ;[)

since you're on a white oleander spree, i found this quote online and I thought of you,

“I regret nothing. No woman with any self-respect would have done less. The question of good and evil will always be one of philosophy's most intriguing problems, up there with the problem of existence itself. I'm not quarreling with your choice of issues, only with your intellectually diminished approach. If evil means to be self-motivated, to live on one's own terms, then every artist, every thinker, every original mind, is evil. Because we dare to look through our own eyes rather than mouth cliches lent us from the so-called Fathers. To dare to see is to steal fire from the Gods. This is mankind's destiny, the engine which fuels us as a race. ”
― Janet Fitch, White Oleander

you're note "evil" though, just strong and independent. txt me. and what's your next literary adventure?


xNina Writes said...


Thank you for your comment. And it's funny how so many have suggested writing a memoir, especially since everything has been written out anyway.

And that's where you and I differ. There's no point in writing if the passion has been slaughtered. Wanting to prove people wrong gets tiring. And nobody cares that long to see you prove them wrong anyway. And perhaps some people are envious of being unable to escape reality and enter into imagination. haha and this state is certainly something.

I remember reading that quote. I finished Oleander today. What a wonderful book. As for the next literary "adventure," perhaps "Paint It Black" by Fitch or starting the "Sword of Truth" series, though I only have the first two books. I adore the fantasy/fiction tv show they started based off of the books (Legend of the Seeker). Filmed in NZ, it's beautiful. Cara is my favorite character. Look her up ;)


Anonymous said...

hope you don't mind i'm responding on here. Then i think you should write the memoir. i think ppl would be surprised but we can text about that later! at least you're writing text messages and responses here ;]

i'd think that it would be fuel/motivation. idk. i've never been in a situation like yours before. hopefully all this reading will help get you back in the loop with writing fiction and poetry again. i'm sure your imagination is still in tact, just the means to get it out is all scarred

checked out cara. heh she would be your favorite with her no bullshit attitude and knowing how slimy/selfish/jackass-like men are. they're really slimy/selfish/jackass-like. *really*


xNina Writes said...


You were very close to me not being able to approve your comment; be careful with how much detail you put. I doubt my words or others are entirely safe here.

And believe me, it changes from fuel/motivation to just tiring and not worth it. If I were to legit write again, it should be because I want to write, not that I'm trying to prove something to people.

And yes, Cara is a delightfully strong female character. And yes, men are slimy/selfish/jackass-like. But they're also the easier to talk to, befriend, and trust, I find. Sometimes. Depends on the being. Though even the they may not be who they appear to be. Maybe it's best to just not trust anybody haha.

Thanks for two comments on this, I really appreciate it xx