Friday, July 20, 2012


"Everybody Lies" Jason Walker
(minus the "love" line in the beginning [why would those in love lie to one another?],
this song is lovely, as I just found it and adored it)


Jessica Anastasia must have picked up the pen or opened Word to have posted such a blog post, right?
No, I'm sorry.
(Though I have been reading a lot.)
I do appreciate people's words in regards to the content in my last blog post,
but no, I haven't written anything (creative or not-creative).
I also appreciate people's words on my personal Facebook , as well.

You can view that dedication blog post below this one or by clicking here.

This isn't a xxjessicaSays blog post dissecting random things that bother me in the media,
or a real "Jessica Says" post in which I give more than a personal opinion to something.
It's not a dedication post either.
These sorts of people have gotten enough from me, I believe.

This post is for me to ask a certain type of people something in particular,
as I've recently wrapped my mind around 
and realized just how badly someone hurt me, and then I thought about others who hurt me,
and I realize I have the same reactions:

I just stand there, 
arms wide,
letting their bullets tear through my skin,
letting their talons crush my bones,
letting my name be dragged through mud,
letting my role be the sacrificial lamb,
letting the weight of burden rest solely on my shoulders,
letting them frolic away into the sunset unscathed,

So I'm wondering if my usual much-appreciated readers (or random readers)
could answer a few questions for me,
because though I can wrap my head around how people intentionally and willing chose to hurt me,
I don't understand why.
(Maybe I have to stop being so nice.)
My poison pendant that represents my convictions, much like how a Christian would wear a cross
WHY is it that it's always the people you take 
the bullet for,
who are the ones holding the gun?

WHY is it that it's always the people you 
trust most,
who are the ones stabbing you in the back or heart?

WHY is it always the people who you'd 
never expect to hurt you
who are the ones to completely slaughter you?

WHY is it always the people who 
build you up,
who are the ones to tear you down? 

WHY is it always the people who appear
who are the most selfish?

WHY is it always the people who
actually cared,
who then throw that care to the waste-side?

WHY is it always the people who you
depend on,
who then abandon you?

WHY is it always the people who make 
you happiest,
who choose to take that away?

WHY is it always the people you 
care about most,
who shatter your guarded heart?

Why is it always the 

same story
with these people?
"The Night" by Benjamin Dunnett


Maybe people just view this as a "sad post" or something. But it's far more than that.
I want answers.
I always want answers. 
I always want knowledge. I always want truth. I always want perspective.
And I value other people's opinions and perspectives.

Some thoughts:

Something about me (perhaps another conviction):
I can't hurt people.
Not willingly, intentionally, or without reason.
When you've been thrown to the wolves or walked all over as I have always been,
you realize that you never want to treat others the way you're treated and thoroughly despise.
(Golden Rule, says the Gold Award Girl Scout)

And I hate it when my efforts go unappreciated, 
just as much as I hate it when I inadvertently snub someone else's efforts.
To read more about that conviction, feel free to click below:

"Jessica Says: "Dr. Who:" Never Diminish, Not Appreciate, or Cast Aside Someone's Efforts"

If and when I've unwarrantably hurt someone,
I seek to clear the air - have him or her receive an apology of some sorts.

(I don't entirely believe that words can rightfully portray an apology,
but sometimes they can if written or said well).

Actions still mean more.

On occasion and with those whom I have a strong foundation,
I tend to forgive, as I’m not fundamentally a cruel and unreasonable person.
You can read about some of that conviction in this blog post:
"Jessica Says: My Reality Behind Lies, Truth, Trust, & Forgiveness"

(Btw, just a warning to anybody and everybody, as an anonymous friend just got caught:
I ALWAYS find out if I’ve been lied to or about. Don’t even try.
Liars always end up exposing themselves
or being exposed, anyway. And forgiveness isn't everlasting without what's written below this.)

Perhaps one of the things that hurts more than someone choosing to hurt me is
when the person doesn't seem to care that he or she has done so, and we both know it.
Remorse can sometimes be the only thing an offender can offer to heal another's wounds.

Apologies are also appreciated..
(And warm chocolate chip cookies.
Or candy. They both make everything better.)


I've given some of my thoughts on the matter, as well as some inquiries.
Please let me know what you think
or if there's something I haven't bent my mind into comprehending.
Or maybe everyone is selfish to a degree.
Maybe I'm less selfish than others.
Sometimes all someone needs is an apology.

"It's a kill or be killed world."


(Sorry for the terrible grammar or structure of this entire post; I don't care at the moment.)


"Running Up That Hill" Placebo
(More TVD music and videos can be found on this blog post:

One of my favorite self-preserving characters: Katarina (TVD)

"Jessica Anastasia":
Though Jessica Anastasia has not added any new music excerpts, literary titles, or art to her creative efforts, her website has been updated for the following: information clarity, better navigation, and revamped aesthetics.

More improvements to come,
though as of right now, there will be no new creative efforts added.

July 31, 2012
Jessica Anastasia HAS added works to her Arts page under Sketches.
(Sorry, I forgot; as an apology for misleading, my newest work is right below, though a larger version can be viewed on my website or Facebook page:) 
"The Siren" by Jessica Anastasia


As requested from an Anonymous ;):
"Mutiny" by  Hans Zimmer