Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Jessica Says: Adopted, Rejected, And Returned?

Artyom Saleviev
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What would you do if you were seven-years-old, adopted, and then sent back to the country you were adopted from?

Artyom Saleviev made global headlines when his American adoptive mother Torry Hansen put him back on a plane to Russia alone and with a letter that stated that she no longer wanted him. Now ten-years-old and in a foster home with a caring foster mother named Vera Egorova, who believed that it was inhumane for a child to be sent back to his country, he seems to finally be doing better.

This particular case sparked outrage in Russia and the government actually froze adoptions to the USA while it sought out that all Russian children would be properly cared for by their adoptive parents. An agreement was finally reached last year and the Russian parliament may soon ratify.

Artyom barely remembers any of the English he had learned in his brief life in the United States, he only remembers how to say, "My name is Artyom."

Ever since these political occurrences, the world has barely heard of Artyom.
and though he is perhaps a bit small for his age, slim, and soft spoken, he enjoys many of the things his fellow boys his age enjoys: such as watching TV, playing with toys, joking around with friends. And though his American adoptive mother claimed he had "psychopathic" issues, his foster mother sees nothing of the sort - only that he certainly struggled with the trauma he experienced, and rightfully so.

A US court last month ordered his former adoptive mother to pay child support for Artyom's care, though a set amount has yet to be determined.

All officials are trying to ensure that nothing like this ever happens again because no child should ever have to experience what Artyom did. He never deserved to, either. Though in the meantime, the top Russian official for adoptions, Children's Ombudsman Pavel Astakhov said that he does not expect any further delays for American families hoping to adopt Russian children.

So what the heck?
Artyom being whisked away by authorities the day his American adoptive mother sent him back to Russia
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I have a heart for all adoptees for many reasons, especially since the majority of my extended relatives that I have grown up with have been adopted from different countries or the United States. I remember that my parents mentioned a while ago that this boy had just been sent back and it sicked me. How on earth can anyone just send a child back alone on a plane? And sheesh, he was only seven-year-old at the time, as well, not that ANY age is appropriate to do this.

After doing more research on him, he seems to be adjusting to his new life quite well, which is splendid to read, even though he is the 17th child in this foster home in Moscow.  It is truly a shame, though, when new rules or regulations are crafted by the sacrifice of an innocent. I don't think that is fair.

I wish this kid the best in life and hope that he grows strong from this situation, instead of lets the sadness consume him. 

Again, my heart goes out to all adoptees!
Artyom with Pavel Astakhov, Russia's special presidential envoy for children's rights
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  • Have you ever heard of this situation? 
  • What are your thoughts on Artyom being sent back by his American adoptive parent? 
  • Do you think it's fair that regulations became stricter only when such a horrid incident occured? 


Dan Monteleone said...

While I hadn't heard of the situation until now, I will say that it is absolutely disgusting what happened to this boy. How cold, how heartless, how downright MORONIC do you have to be to subject a young life to this. I think children are precious lives, our future and as such, should be afforded as much comfort and freedom as we can allow. What sickens me is the lack of regulation in systems like this before an incident. Yhe screening process for suitable parents was only tightened down on AFTER this atrocity. I hope for the sake of children everywhere, adoption agencies start buckling down, this cannot be allowed a second time!

Anna Finn said...

This breaks my heart. While I am not aware if anyone that I know is adopted, situations like these spark my interest. Adoption cases are special because that child was chosen by to be part of a family. When adopting, people should know what they are getting themselves into. I agree that rules for adoptions should be more regulated because cases such as this should not have happened. When a child is adopted, (s)he should be able to stay with their family for the rest of their life. This should never have occurred, and I hope the best for Artyom.